Fallout: Dust Wikia

The Stun Gun is a unique energy weapon featured in in Fallout: DUST.


While this weapon at first seems to be rather underwhelming, last not least due to the effort required to gain possession of it, some of its characteristics can actually provide significant advantages, if wielded by a Survivor capable of making proper use of it.

Not only will this weapon automatically recharge, if unholstered, but it also provides the rather unique ability to unconditionally stun any target hit by one of its projectiles.

This includes Cazadores, Deathclaws, NCR Elite Rangers, Super Mutants and Tunnelers, enabling Survivors to gain valuable time when facing these and other hostiles.

As with any unique weapon, keeping the Stun Gun in good shape does require Weapon Repair Kits, or the Jury Rigging perk, which allows for Laser Pistols to be used to repair the Stun Gun.



Container location

  • There is only a single Stun Gun available, which is located in a Hard locked footlocker on the roof of the El Rey Motel. Survivors lacking the required Lockpicking skill will find the Stash Key behind the second (Very Easy locked) door from the right on the top floor. It is located next to a Nuka-Cola Victory on the floor of the room.

Behind the scenes
