Fallout: Dust Wikia

Fallout: DUST provides a host of lore in the form of text fragments to be found by the Survivor.

The following table lists all of these fragments, and as such contains massive spoilers to lore and story.

Contributors are encouraged to use this resource for finding quotes and lore to add to their content.


  • Title: Title of the text fragment as displayed on-screen or on the Pip-Boy
  • Location: The location of the text fragment
  • EditorID: The EditorID of the fragment as shown in the GECK (fragments are sorted by these).
  • BaseID: The BaseID of the fragment, with the following prefixes
    • xx - DUST
    • yy - Honest Hearts add-on
    • zz - Old World Blues add-on
Title Location EditorID BaseID
A Greeting From The Great Toaster Big MT, Toaster's Bloodshrine aaDLC03ToasterHint xx06C1AF
What you seek had butter be worth it, because I'll be jamned if I, the Great and Powerful Toaster, allow you into my domain. Halt! And quiver before my Toastyness.

Oh, fuck it. You're looking for that piece of shit Teleportalponder right? Everyone's always looking for the Teleportalponder. It's in the briefcase on the shrine. No, not that shrine. The other one. Just don't blow up and it's yours.
Mysterious Note aatext188Advice xx053CEF
&PCName;- The Strip beckons. I am waiting.
The King's Goodbye aatextBCkinggoodbye xx006605
Well boys, this is it. You can protest all you want, but I'm telling you, I'm a dead man. This wound won't heal itself. So thank you. Thank you for all you've done while in my service. You've served Freeside well. Heck, you even ended up serving the Strip well. Who would've thought? Thanks again boys, and keep the music of man alive.
Evacuation Notes: Part 1 aatextBCncrdirt1 xx009F11
Now that we're all settled in, I figure I ought to write down what happened, for posterity's sake. Two days ago, King gave the signal. We marched out into the streets and rallied what forces we could. The guys over at the Wrangler lived up to their promise: a ridiculous amount of C4 (rumor has it they scavenged it from some old Powder Gang stash). Even with all those explosives, we just barely got a hole in the gate. We only managed to pull a couple of high-rollers out when the NCR swooped in. That's when things got ugly.
Evacuation Notes: Part 2 aatextBCncrdirt2 xx009F12
We tried to hold them back long enough for the civilians to get out, but there were just too many of them. The Garrets (God bless 'em) and their crew volunteered to stay behind while we got out. We all assumed they were done for, but last night we got word that they were hiding in the sewers, fighting a guerilla war against those fuckers. I'm gonna go ask the King if me and the boys can go out and join 'em.
Journal aatextBCncrdirt3 xx009F17
March 1, 2286

Fuck, man. That storm was killer. It's lucky the boys found those suits or most've us woulda been flayed alive. There weren't enough for all of us, but we worked it out that those without suits got to stay inside (seeing as there weren't enough space inside for alluv us anyhow). Even so, we lost some good people. And Old Man Thomas is looking pretty worse for wear. His skin's just hanging off him (well, more than usual). Hell, if I didn't know better I'd say he's lookin' down right ghoul-ish.
Scout Report aatextBCncrdirt4 xx009F19
-2/27 13:46- NCR searching houses for remnants of Kings Gang. Many civilian casualties.

-2/27 16:18- NCR decides to check sewers- are met with hail of gunfire. 4-6 dead/injured.

-2/27 17:32- NCR attempts to smoke rebels out- ultimately unsuccessful.

-2/27 19:14- NCR attempts third assault. Unsuccessful. 3 wounded.

-2/28 1:05- NCR desperate. Much commotion and movement of troops. 

-2/28 4:53- NCR beginning departure from Strip. They appear to have locked the gate to the 
Strip, with all inhabitants inside. A few troops remain to guard manholes in Freeside.

-2/28 10:27- Shipment arrives in covered truck, drivers all wearing Radiation suits. 

-2/28 10:40- Radiation crew deploys unknown object into manhole. All NCR personnel make hasty evacuation of the premises, appear to be moving in direction of Camp Golf.
Scout Log aatextBigMtEntranceTunnelInfo xx05A068
From Searchlight, 3 potential areas of interest:

Mead Canyon- Vast emptiness. Potential last resort. If Tunnelers don't kill, heat/dehydration will.

Searchlight Airport- Aircraft possibly salvageable. Not large enough to carry all members. 

Train Tunnel (near Nipton)- Rubble could be cleared with enough C-4. Would need at least 2 or 3 lbs of the stuff (5 satchels?). End point unknown. Has to be better than Mojave.
Journal aatextBlackCavernINTRO xx0732E5
&PCName;'s got a strange look in their eye lately... and I'm afraid. It's the glove. It's always been about the glove. I've got to get out of here.
Declaration of War aatextBlindDogs xx062BFC
The Red Rocks think they can fool us? HA! We saw them fraternizing with the Vault Men. We SAW. This blatent aggression cannot be ignored. The pride of the Blind Dogs is at stake! Tomorrow, we strike them at their heart. We march on Red Rock Canyon in the morning. To battle!!
Letter aatextBMResearcher1 xx04B4DA
Addressed to Miss Lydia Bernard and Co.,

I couldn't care less about whatever miracle cures you and Royst cooked up in that hellhole. Tell your friends at Camp Golf and Hoover Dam to stop sending me letters. The trial WILL continue and Royst WILL be convicted. If you give me reason, I'll throw you behind bars too. What he did at the Lucky 38 was a crime against nature and is worthy of the harshest sentence our law can provide. Your letters will not sway me.

-Elizabeth Ware
Notes on Ghoulification aatextBMResearcher2 xx04BACE
Recent observations have concluded that the mutation necessary for the condition colloquially known as "Ghoulification" is much more common than previously thought. In subjects, exposure to high levels of radiation can result in rapid deterioration of the epidermis. Prolonged exposure can lead to irreversible brain damage. This much has been known for years. However, in certain instances, mutation can occur after mere minutes of exposure, even seconds, if the radiation is strong enough.

Maybe I'm paranoid, but I'd really like to see that shipment of Rad-X soon.
Note aatextBMTrooper1 xx04BAE7
Merrill's dead. I'm in charge now. And I say we're getting the hell out of here. Back to Hoover Dam. I'm gonna go scout up the sides a bit, see if I can find any others. If anyone else makes it back here, tell them to stay put. We need to stick together.

-Lt. Horn
Journal aatextBoomerMassacreNote xx012206
This will be my last journal entry. We saw those NCR scumbags coming up the road a few days back. As usual, we began bombarding the entrance- only they must've expected that. The troops we saw were only a diversion. The main force hit us from the back. The fuckers massacred us. They shot Lindsay right in front of me. Those of us that survived the first attack have retreated down here, but it's only a matter of time before they come down after us. If you're reading this- give them hell.
BoS Communication aatextBoSCommSearchlight1 xx0458BF
User 1: Testing, testing. This is Scribe Huxley transmitting from Fort Searchlight. Is the radio in working condition? Over.
User 2: Hear you loud and clear Huxley. Can't believe she actually works! A few extra bits and pieces and we'll have this thing up and ready for scouting flights. Over.

Mission Log aatextBoSFriendly xx04E68A
Before leaving Washington, Elder Lyons gave us the location of just about every Brotherhood of Steel Outpost between there and California. The Mojave was supposed to be more civilized than most places but since our arrival those reports have proven to be false. We are under almost constant attack, whether it be by raiders or these reptilian beasts that seem to have decimated every settlement in the area. We have explored the area called “Helios One” and found no trace of our Brothers. Is it possible that they were killed by these beasts we keep seeing? Brother Morris and Paladin Volliece have already been killed by the creatures so it is a possibility. Our mission is to travel to the Long 15 to California and return to our brothers there, but if Sarah could see this place... These people need our help and if my mission says I must abandon them, then to hell with my mission! My duty is to protect the people and that is exactly what I intend to do!
Checklist aatextBoSshackINTRO xx0732DE
-Scout perimeter [X]
-Catch dinner [X]
-Eat dinner [X]
-Die [ ]

Two bullets left. Here goes nothing.
Dina's Diary aatextchilddiary1 xx00FF87

Today I saw the sky! Susanne woke me up early and we watched the sun rise over the canyon and for a little bit the clowds were gone! Maybe this home will be a good home. Susanne says there won't be any scary monsters here, because they are to big and clumsy for the bridges. I hope we get to stay.
Decree aatextCotCoveDecree xx00B692
I, Aurelius, King of Aurelia, Hoover Canyon, and the Holy Roman Empire, do hereby decree that all citizens must harvest a biweekly quota of, or exceeding, 3 Wind Brahmin, 4 Metal Spoons, and 18 Calipers. Failure to meet said quota will result in immediate exile/decapitation.
Transcribed Audio Log #164A3 aatextCourier6 xx02779D
(All audio property of House Industries c2077)

USER 1: They tried to pin this on me you know... all of this. 
USER 1: After Hoover Dam the NCR had a price on my head. They said I was a terrorist. A war criminal. But all I did, I did for Vegas.
USER 1: *Violent coughing*
USER 1: A price for a head. And now you've come to pay it.
USER 2: *Muffled screaming*
USER 1: *Dull thud*

Words for The End aatextCourierFakeTomb xx029041
Here Lies A Killer.

Here Lies A Savior.

Here Lies A Father.

Here Lies A Courier.

Shot Once, Buried Twice.
Walked the sands and Rolled the Dice.
Fought the Bull and Whipped the Bear
But never had a Chip to Spare.

Is any Road as Lonesome as the Road You Pave Yourself?
Is any Road as Lonesome as the Tomb?
Journal aatextCrimCarBlake xx00B691
It's strange returning here after all this time. Everything's gone to hell now, but I can't help but remember when this place teemed with life. Travellers to the Strip, Caravans out of NCR...

They always say: "War Never Changes". Sometimes I wonder...

Dammit Jim aatextCrossbowSurvivor xx060CE4
Jim was supposed to be here. The plan was for us to meet here, by the docks, and head down to Searchlight. That's what he said. Goddamn sumabitch probably took the gear and ran. Well fuck 'im. Who needs 'im? 
Report aatextDamResearcher xx04AEF8
Just got word from Camp Golf; Pretty exciting stuff! Much more cost effective than turning this entire place into a giant water filter (which would be pretty useless anyways, considering the general lack of water around here). I've requested a transfer. I want to be at the front line of getting this thing mass produced.
Letter aatextDamResearcher2 xx04AEF9
To Elizabeth Ware,

It has now been over a year since your investigation began, and we have still received no word from the sewers. Clearly they've found nothing. I urge you to drop the charges against Dr. Royst and advance your career by some other means. The scientific achievements he has helped attain are so far above anything happening in California that to lock him away would in itself be a crime against humanity.

-Head Researcher at Hoover Dam, Mike Lawson
Note aatextDeathclawVictimVegas xx05B335
Walt, I'm telling you, we HAVE to strengthen our defences. These walls are great and all but they won't help if the Deathclaws come knocking. We just don't have the ammo to deal with that kind of threat. I'm talking stakes, mines, barbed wire... the whole deal. We have to go into Vegas. There'll be plenty of scavving to do there.
Journal aatextDisgruntledNCR1 xx053CBF
I'm not sure how much more I can stand being here.

Yesterday there was a group of about four people gathered at the Outpost, they were hungry, thirsty, and most likely needed a good sleep, and while I can understand shooting on raving psychos and tribals, I don't abide by shooting defenseless people and stringing them up on the gate as "a warning".

I'm sick of it, and I'm not alone. Me and a few buddies from bootcamp are leaving the Outpost and heading back to California, as soon as this damn storm ends, If it ever does.
Warning aatextDisgruntledNCR2 xx053CD5
If you can read this, run. The NCR are not what they once were, I'm an enlisted man and they didn't even seem to give a shit when they emptied into me and my group, simply for being out of uniform. How the fuck does someone keep their uniform tidy in the midst of this horseshit situation?

We're done for. Take whatever I've got that hasn't been looted by cannibals, and just get out of here, The NCR is not here to help you.
Decree aatextDLC01Decree xx043E2D
We, the Cloud Walkers, Last of Caesar's Loyal, do Hereby Swear by the Madre and the Father that the NCR shall No Longer Hold Sway over This Land. With The Father's Loving Guidance, we Shall Scourge The Bear from the Face of the Earth. 
The Father's Sermon aatextDLC01Elijah xx0464A3
My Children. For over 200 years, humanity has wallowed in filth. We have felt the pain of hunger, the burn of radiation, and the sting of harsh winds on our face. But it was not always like this. There was a time when life was easy, when life was long. We call it the "Old World"; a time of paradise and plenty. Well today we sit at the precipice of the Old World. Thanks to your sacrifices, I am able to stand here before you and welcome you to the New Old World. You have done well, my children. 

The weapons you delivered the Bear Men have destroyed them. Their cities now lie in ruins. Soon, my army of robots will come here to rescue us, and we shall be revered above all others as the saviors of the Wasteland. Let us drink now to glorious victory and the days to come!
Logs #473, #474 aatextDLC01ElijahNote1 xx049D23
Log #473
Commotion outside the gates yesterday. Would say tech scavvers, but too clean. Looks like NCR, but not all in uniform. Searching trucks? I've got a few collars left...

Log #474
They're gone. Just grabbed some unused Hazmat suits and took off. Definitely NCR. Left behind a bear flag and everything. If they come back, I may be able to make use of them.
Logs #497 - #499 aatextDLC01ElijahNote2 xx049D24
Log #497
NCR back. Third time this month. More out of uniform. Horned hats? They look almost tribal. Have a hypothesis that needs testing. Will follow up tomorrow.

Log #498
I've left out some trinkets for the tribal(?) members of the group. They appear to be doing the majority of the scavenging. Uniformed troops hang back. May be able to smuggle notes in.

Log #499
Tribals have responded to guidance. So far they have passed on all tech I've given them. What's next? Rigged bomb collars? Will have to think it over.
Log #612 aatextDLC01ElijahNote3 xx049D25
Log #612
Tribals rioted last night. Killed the NCR Officers. NCR collapsed the front gate. The only gate. Only other way out of here is the sewer line to Boneyard, and that place is covered in the Cloud. Only consolation, I suppose. Beat the NCR. I can only hope something better will take their place.
Auto-Pilot Data Log Scripted notice after Camp McCarrans Vertibird crashes in the Sierra Madre aatextDLC01NCRautopilot xx048988

Auto-Pilot Pathfinder coordinates reset to: "Sierra Madre, California". 

Finding GPS Location... GPS Location Complete.

Rerouting default flight path.



User Input Type String: "Note: Bill- I've already pre-programmed the coordinates you need into the Bird. This DOES NOT mean that she's ready for flight! Don't let Commander Shaughnessy send her out on that rescue mission of his while I'm away. She still needs her ventilation chambers fixed to deal with all that cloud residue." 






Military Orders aatextDLC01OfficerNote xx043E35

Your orders are as follows.
Escort the Tribals west, to the Sierra Madre. Last mission's success has allowed for further exploration of the Sierra Madre proper. Breach the gate and enter the Villa. From there, allow the Tribals full reign of the operation. They have proved themselves trustworthy thus far, and are quite capable of uncovering hidden tech. Once sufficient tech has been secured, return with all haste to Camp Adytum to await further instructions.

Bloodstained Scroll aatextDLC02BloodyCorpse1 xx032CAE
The Walls Speak True. The Tall One. The Branch Fingers. He Hunts. He Finds. He Kills. The Walls Speak True. The Walls Speak True. The Walls Speak True.
Daniel's Account aatextDLC02Daniel1 xx0338D1
May 14th, 2282
Dead Horse Point is gone. Raiders perhaps, Legion most likely. It had to have happened months ago. There was nothing but ash and bones by the time I got there. Joshua won't be happy to see me again, but I can tell him that I owe it to the Dead Horses to deliver the news. Maybe they'll take this as a sign. A lesson of what happens when they allow their reckless warmongering to take control. Violence leaves nothing but death in her wake. 

June 3rd, 2282
A hunting party found me on the canyon edge. Dancing Flame was among them. I welcomed him warmly, but he dismissed my greetings. His tattoos were different, I noticed. He'd gone over them with other ink. Dead Horse ink. I've asked to be taken to Joshua (surely he's taken control of the Sorrows by now, warping them to his desires, teaching them in the ways of war), but that likely won't happen until morning.

June 4th, 2282
As predicted, none received my welcome well. Joshua seemed downright murderous upon the sight of me, but I managed to slip out my message before he pistol-whipped me to death. Joshua was stunned, but it was the Dead Horses that truly broke down. Apparently they'd been planning on leaving Zion. They'd have left the Sorrows here, and set up trade lines with them. Like real civilizations. 

Why do I even try?

June 6th, 2282
Joshua's begun to ask me more about the going-ons of the outside world. Turns out he's been fairly isolated down here. I told him of the fate of the Legion, the fate of Caesar. Of course, his bandages prevented me from telling how he felt about that. He's offered me a place in Angel Cave. Perhaps he wishes to mend relations with me? Should allow me to get closer to the Sorrows. I may be able to save them yet.

June 11th, 2282
Turns out the hunting party wasn't chasing Bighorners. They call them "Moss Men". I'd heard of them in passing, during my last stay in Zion, but now they seem to be all anyone's ever concerned about.

January 9th, 2283
Three more infected. I wanted to burn the bodies, but Joshua refused. I tried to enlist the aid of White Bird and Running Bear in burning the corpses in secret, but it seems they too have fallen to the Cult of the Burned Man. 

Damn him.

November 12th, 2284
His cough has only gotten worse. He seems convinced that his death is near. I reassured him that I would take good care of the tribes in his absence, but he only laughed in my face. Apparently he's already arranged for Follows-Chalk to take the place as leader of the Two Tribes. All these years by his side, and he still doesn't trust me.

December 2nd, 2284
Follows-Chalk took Joshua's body to the Aerie. His love for Joshua exceeds his fear of the taboo. As is expected, I gave a half-hearted protest about burning him, but was immediately shot down by White Bird. "He's been burned enough". Typical. Good luck getting up there, anyways. The whole area's swarming with Moss Men. 

March 22nd, 2285
One got into camp today. Tore apart two warriors before they put him down. I lit the bodies up in the night. I don't care what they think anymore. It's the only way any of us will survive this.

April 6th, 2285
Leads-With-Chalk finally listened. Construction on defenses began yesterday. Rows of spikes, walls, traps, the whole deal. It'll be difficult, but if what the hunters say is true... these stories of a giant... of a... what is it they call it? A Windego? A Wendijo? Well, a giant Moss Man, regardless. We need to be ready for such a thing, if ever it comes for us.

March 1st, 2286
Leads-With-Chalk has ordered the exodus of Zion. They're heading south, to the Mojave. I will not be joining them. Something seems off... about the weather... about this... Wendigo. If what I believe is true, this thing CAN die, and I will be the one to kill it. It shall burn... HE shall burn. 

Hunting Log aatextDLC02DanielDead xx03F6C8
He remembers. He will return for me here. And when he does... Fire cleanses. And he remembers.
Base Camp Has Fallen aatextDLC02GenStoreCorpse xx02FDAF
McDonnell heard them coming. Too many to fight. Too close to run. She let them take her. Let us prepare. Eliott was next.

The door's locked, but they won't leave. And if by chance they do... I won't. 
Resupply Run aatextDLC02HintNorth xx0662AE
I need you to head back up to the Narrows camp again. Their excavation has made good progress in finding that key, but they're still lacking in explosives. Take the supply we found at the Ranger Station (left it out back in the duffle for you). Bring Private Donovan. I don't care what he says, his leg's fine.
Last Words of Joshua Graham aatextDLC02Joshua xx03509E
(As recorded by Daniel, of New Canaan)

I can feel death upon me. At Hoover Dam, I never felt such a thing. I had the fire within me to counter the flames outside. I feel no fire now.

Follows-Chalk. Come. From this day forth I name you "Leads-With-Chalk". You will be the new leader of the Two Tribes. I trust that you will protect them, and prove a wise and deliberate ruler, in time. 

Do not mourn my passing. There are more evils to fight in this valley before such a luxury can be had. Remain strong, but... do not be afraid to run. Though I have not always agreed with him, Daniel has taught me one thing. It is not wrong to turn the other cheek. If we had heeded his advice, we would not be here today. If the times comes when fighting is no longer an option, do not be afraid to leave. For though you will weep at the memory of sweet Zion, there are other lands beyond this valley. Go to the Courier. In Vegas. There you will find refuge. There you will find redemption.

Key Acquired aatextDLC02KeyTrooper xx036894
We're close. We found documents from some post-war missionary that mention moving the key to a cave in the canyons up north. I'm sending Finley down to your location with this message- he can fill you in on the details. We'll tear this place apart if we have to.

Map of Grand Staircase aatextDLC02MapGrandStaircase xx03A080
This appears to be a map of a large valley, located somewhere in Utah.
Retreat Strategies aatextDLC02NCRreport xx0344EC
Due to the rockslide, the path we took into this canyon is no longer a viable option. From what I can gather from these old ranger reports, there are only two other ways out of the valley. 

There's a tunnel to the south that'll give us a fairly direct route back to the Mojave. Unfortunately, the trail is not always an obvious one (the rangers here reported at least half a dozen different instances of hikers becoming lost in the area), and will require a map to properly navigate.

The other option is a tunnel to the east. This path is far less confusing, as we'd need only follow the road out. Much to all of our dismay, the scouts we sent to the area reported that not only was the gate locked shut, but that it had become a veritable hive of Carrier activity. 

I suggest checking the nearby Ranger Stations for keys and maps in addition to typical supplies. If none are found, we'll head south blindly, and hope for the best.
Journal aatextDLC02NorthPassage xx02DFE1
Butch woke me up this morning- he'd found the end of the tunnel. And just as they'd all said, there she was. The tower above the desert. 

This is it. I can feel it. Safety. No more fighting to survive. No more hiding. No more hiding from...  It. 

Butch says not to get my hopes up, but come on. Anything's better than Zion. It's got to be.
Journal aatextDLC02NorthPassage2 xx02DFE2
We're here. We're free. God, it doesn't feel like a week. All the places I've been, all the shit that I've seen, and I ain't never heard of anything like what's out there in Zion. I barred that gate shut and buried the key deep. Ain't no one down here gonna have to deal with that shit.

I can still hear her. In my head. 

Wendy, you clever girl. You almost had us... almost.

A Warning Note pierced by a knife, next to a dead Survivor east of the Strip aatextDLC02Source xx03F6D9
This is what happens when you mess with Emmett R. Mutton, Sr.! Don't follow us. Zion's ours now.
The Light at The End of The Tunnel aatextDLC02WakingCloudDeath xx039AA8
The way to Grand Staircase is blocked. We had no choice but to delve into the Long Dark that is the tunnels. Six days we travelled through the darkness. Six nights we wondered if we would ever see the end. When finally we emerged, we were met only with terror. A scorched and wind-torn land lay before us. But life lingers in the harshest of places. 

We saw tents in the valley, and campfires. We set out to meet with them, but the People of the Desert met us first. They shot Dancing Flame, and he danced no longer. They shot Running Bear, and he ran no longer. They shot Leads-With-Chalk, but he did not stop leading. He drew his War Club and charged the enemy, without fear in his eyes.

I would like to remember him in that moment only.

Back to the tunnel we went, and for six more days we made the journey back to Zion. But now we see the truth of it. The door is locked. The door is locked and only one man has the key to unlock it. 


He converted me. He taught me. He gave me a new life under God. And now, he has killed me.

The People of the Desert pursue us still. The way to Grand Staircase is blocked, as is the way to Zion. We have no hope but to prepare this tunnel for battle. Our last battle.
Strange Signals aatextDLC03BoSLeaderHint xx06874D
I was getting some strange signals on the radio the other day. On one frequency some psycho kept ranting about his "Bloodshrine" while on the other there was nothing but the sound of gushing water. I assumed it was just the Scavvers... until they knocked most of the signals offline yesterday with that absurd tower of theirs. It begs the question- If that wasn't the Scavvers... who was it?
Project Progress aatextDLC03BoSLeaderHint2 xx06CA0A
So far, no luck. We've tried prying, ramming, and blasting. Nothing. Those doors are staying shut. We can only hope the Teleportalponder isn't in the Sink, because if this water rises any more, we're all done for.
Progress Report aatextDLC03ScavverTower xx06813D
Progress on rerouting the perimeter teleporter signals is going surprisingly well. Straying outside the boundaries of the facility will bring the subject straight here. Now we just need to set up some traps in the area and that tech'll harvest itself.

Still no word on the location of the Teleportalponder.
Tales From the Tunnel Part 2 aatextDLC04DeadHorses xx0674F3
After the First Coming we were lured into a false sense of security. Under Junaid's leadership, we saw no limit to our growth. It was a time of peace and prosperity. We had food and water. In time, even the storms calmed. And so we let down our guard.

And once again the Tunnel Men took advantage of our foolishness. No more the knotted hair, no... but the painted faces they still had. Though perhaps a different style... 

They came again and burned down our tents. They burnt down our crops. They shot our sick and butchered our young. And this time, we had no more mercy. We tracked them to the very source. Past the Vault, through the Dark. And we finished them. 

For now.

What we learned from this is of the utmost importance. The Tunnel Men may come in many forms. The paint of their faces may change, but their heart never will. Any who come through that door are evil. Any who come through that door shall die.
Carlos' Journal aatextDLC04Festival1 xx03C405
Sun's Dawn, 13th
Heber returned with the hunting party this morning! He says they encountered the Mole Herders two days past. The Herders speak of a gathering of the tribes, and Heber volunteered us as Host! Imagine- the Five Tribes, HERE. I'm too excited to sleep! Preparation for the festivities begins tomorrow. Heber'll no doubt have to organize another hunting party to get enough food for them all (We all remember the appetite of those Stone Wolves!)

Morning's Day, 14th
Arta's leading the building crew in the Market District. They've made good progress already! I've been sent to find Zai, the old rascal. Probably meditating out in the sands, somewhere. Hope he's not far, I don't want to miss a thing!

Tue's Day, 15th
The Deep Wells and Sun Children arrived early this morning! What treasurers they bring! Fresh fruit, pure water, strange and wonderous creatures. The others are expected to arrive soon enough. What wonders await (and do any of them accept tins cans as currency)?

Wind's Dawn, 16th
Turns out they do! I got some pure water and even a Brock Fal'ower (am I spelling that right? It's the colorful thing, with the petals) for my visit with Hadiya. I can't wait to see the look on her face! The look in those deep, brown, eyes...
Guard Duty, Again aatextDLC04GuardDuty1 xx03C40D
The Mole Herders and Sun Children are dancing and drinking across the Market District, and I'm stuck here on guard duty. The Marked never shut up about the "Tunnel Men" that supposedly live down there. Yeah, right. It's been what, 15, 20 years since something came from down there? I think they're just worried about wild Deathclaws, but if Zai's to be believed, they aren't that hard to tame. Maybe I'll run off with the Children, when they leave. It's got to be less boring up north.
Absolution In The Face Of Death Pt. IV Dead Dust Walker next to a car wreck in the Divide aatextDLC04Junaid xx03F0BE
(The book appears to be a series of philosophical writings. The last page is bookmarked.)

Below I hear the fighting. This is the Third Coming of The Tunnel Men. It was foretold. Foretold by the Child of Prophecy, who came to me in my darkest hour, and gave me the faith to continue on. 

To the leader of the Tunnel Men, I speak now to you. From this day forth you are cursed. You shall never find a safe place in this Wasteland, for you have taken it from the Earth this day. All that was beautiful, all that was calm, you burned. Go back to your tunnel and die there, for you shall find no absolution in this world.

~Junaid, of the Dust Walkers
Tales From the Tunnel Part 1 aatextDLC04Vault74 xx0674F2
The old grandfathers like to tell ghost stories to the children about how the Tunnel Men will come and get them if they don't eat their Yucca. Well I was there that day. The day of the First Coming. 

Demons they were. Knotted hair and painted faces. They bore a resemblance to another we once knew... A coincidence? I think not. They came forth in our darkest hour, at our weakest point. We were leaderless, a lost cause. The Tunnel Men took advantage of that. In a wave of fire and death they burned all we had left. And yet we survived. We killed their leaders and cast them from the High Road. And from there we followed them to the source. Down the Tunnel we went until... until we found the Vault. 

Bodies upon bodies. Piles of them in every corner. And at the center of it all... a single Jukebox. It had witnessed their massacre. So many lives torn away...  and the Jukebox played through it all.
Old Masks, Old History aatextDLC04Watcher xx03C404
That fool Nereus went and bought one of those masks from the Stone Wolves.

I thought Junaid had the last of those things melted down years ago. I guess Life isn't the only thing that persists out here. Those assholes probably forged them just to piss us off. I know Junaid would council patience, but I've had just about enough of their "humor". 

Nereus won't let anyone near it- and rightly so. Any one of us would cast it into the flame if we got our hands on it. He's too young to know its history.

Ismael and Manuel have kept the peace so far, but I can see the anger in their eyes. 
Aisha's Sermon Dust Walker (alive) next to a nuke on a bridge in the Divide aatextDLC04Watcher2 xx03C40F
The new Watchers are young, reckless. They do not understand the "why" of our duties.

20 years ago, our people were weak. We followed blindly a false prophet with braided hair. He spoke to us of vengeance, vengeance against those that had betrayed us to the Wind and Fire of the Divide. He told of us a monster, more terrible than any other. He told us of how this monster killed the Divide, killed Ashton. How he set it aflame and laughed as it burned. 

But when the time came... When we saw this monster...

We saw only a man. 

And within days, both were gone from this land, never to be seen again. They had killed each other with their hatred, no doubt. We were left with nothing but crumbling ruins to follow. Where would we go from there? We were lost.

But then came Junaid. Junaid told us that our anger and pain was needless. That we still lived, and that life remained beautiful, even in the Divide. He showed us that even in the harshest places, life persists. One day he took me to an empty stretch of desert. I saw nothing but rocks and ruins for miles. He asked me which of God's creatures there I found the most beautiful. I was confused, as there were none there but for the two of us. Junaid only smiled, and lifted up a rock to see. Underneath lay a mother Mole Rat, and her pups, asleep in their den.

20 years ago, the Tunnel Men came through that mountain, with painted faces, and braided hair. They burned everything we had left, but we survived. We fought them back. In the deserts, in the caves, we fought them. And when the smoke cleared, we emerged victorious.

Life persists.

The Divide was a harsh place in those early years after Ulysses. The Tunnelers, the Deathclaws, the sand storms. We tamed the Deathclaws, ran off the Tunnelers, and covered our skin from the sands. But though we live, we still remember how it was in those early days. We remember the struggle to survive. For that reason, we must be kind to those in the Wasteland- those who need our help. We can, and have, raised them up to live among us. 

But we must remember also those who do not need our help. Those who took our help and cast it into the dust. We must remember and NEVER forget. For in the wastes always there shall be false prophets.

20 years ago the Tunnel Men burned our villages. We forgave them. They returned five years later, with different tattoos, and burned our villages a second time. We are done forgiving. If ever a soul opens that door, know that it is evil, and its life shall not persist.
Watcher's Log aatextDLC04Watcher3 xx03D046
Nothing today. 

It's funny how much fear we've built up over this one little door. I've never seen anything come out of it. But Junaid says to "Stay vigilant!", so I guess I'll keep watching!

It's not all bad. I get to stay in the shade up here, and Carlos brought me some water from the Deep Wells yesterday! It was nice, but it was nicer to see Carlos so excited. I only hope I can get down to the Market before the fun's all over! Maybe tonight I'll be off duty.
Note aatextElReyStash xx066ECA
Up in the old El Rey Motel, on the roof. Key's under the bed in the room we met in the day of the King's breakout. 

Be careful out there.
Eulogy aatexteuglogy xx00ECF1
Here lies Hank Jacobson Sr. He shared my name, and shared my road for many a mile. He raised me to the best of his ability and taught me everything I know. But more important than any of that, he gave me hope. Despite all that happened, he stayed hopeful. He was a great man, and lord knows I miss him already. But I must carry on. Carry on for his sake. I'll miss you, Dad.
Evacuation Notice aatextEvacNotice xx05FA7B
By order of PRESIDENT LEE OLIVER all non-military inhabitants of the Mojave Wasteland are hereby evicted due to dangerous conditions and significant threats to the civilian population. 
This includes, but is not limited to-
-ALL citizens of New Vegas and outlying hamlets (Westside, North Vegas, etc)
-ALL citizens of Boneyard and outlying hamlets (Adytum, etc)
-ALL citizens of Phoenix and outlying hamlets (East Town, Glendale, etc)
-ALL towns and settlements in the Mojave Wasteland*
-ALL gangs, tribes, and/or other militant factions in the Mojave Wasteland*
-ALL individual and "lone-wolf" inhabitants residing in the Mojave Wasteland*

*The area of evacuation is hereby specified as all lands between Caliente and Anza-Borrego (N-S) and all lands between Junktown and Flagstaff (W-E).
**The Hub is exempt from all evacuation procedures.

Inhabitants of New Vegas are to proceed at once to New Reno for relocation.
Inhabitants of Boneyard are to proceed at once to Dayglow for relocation.
Inhabitants of Phoenix are to proceed at once to Two Sun for relocation.

Failure to comply with the above procedures will result in immediate detainment/eradication.

Investigation Report aatextFollowersClinicJournal1 xx05B336
It's been two weeks since our Investigative Task Force climbed into the Sewers beneath New Vegas. We have had no contact with them for 12 days. It's time to call it quits. As much as I hate to return to California empty handed, it's for the best. With luck, we'll be able to assemble a second force and get to the bottom of this. If not, no matter. We have enough against Royst to put him behind bars for a century, even without physical evidence of his work at the Lucky 38.
Journal aatextFollowersClinicJournal2 xx05B337
Unable to reach extraction point. Ghouls everywhere. Marion and Esmond made it to the Vertibird in time, but Cal... I had to help him, right? I had to try. 

We've returned to the Clinic for now. Perhaps we can try to hike our way to one of the NCR bases. It'll be tough, but it's really our only option now.
Journal aatextForDustWalker xx071334
We left Hopeville on the eve of the celebration and I fear we may not return in time to join in the festivities. Regardless, our mission is one of great importance. The omens Elder Zai spoke of are dark indeed. I think he fears an attack by the Tunnel Men. I can only hope that he is wrong.
Welcome... (1) aatextForecaster1 xx00FF9C
Hello &PCName;. I've been expecting you.
...To The Ultra Lux (2) The Ultra-Luxe, pinned to a wall next to the entrance aatextForecaster2 xx0105FB
What you see around you are the remains of the Ultra Lux. There was a time, not so long ago, that this place represented the Height of Living. Only a select few were accepted as members. Those that were dined on the finest foods in the Wasteland. But like most things in this world, the Ultra Lux was not all that it seemed. 
Secrets and Answers (3) aatextForecaster3 xx0105FC
There are many secrets in this world. And by some cruel stroke, the gods granted us curiosity, so that we may forever be cursed to find answers. No doubt that's what's brought you here. It's what brought me...
Remember. (4) aatextForecaster4 xx0118F2
There was a time when men came to me for answers. I went by a different name then...

Before you walk through that door, I warn you- There is very little chance that I am still sane, if I am alive at all. I have left these letters for you in the hope that I may help one last soul before my mind leaves me. Come forth if you want answers, but know that our meeting will end in blood.
Journal aatextForecasterDay1 xx01B0B6
I managed to find some cracks through the old walls. I don't imagine I was the first to use those tunnels, but I was certainly the last. The whole thing crashed down behind me as soon as I was through. If that's not a metaphor, I don't know what is...

I've made camp in one of the old casinos. It looks as if someone else set up camp here, once. I'll explore the other floors tomorrow, but for now I must rest. My head is killing me.
Mysterious Note aatextForecasterLure xx053CF2

Ultra Lux. Three days.
Scribe's Notes aatextFortFourStones xx071332
Many pilgrims come to the Four Stones to receive blessings in these days. Just this evening we were visited by an envoy of the Five Tribes. The Dust Walkers among them spoke of dark omens from the Cursed Passage. I pray for their village's safety. It has faced enough cruelty in its time.
Tattered Note aatextfreesidedeadghoul xx027AE9
Jean went missing last night. This town isn't big, and the gates are locked. We all know what happened to her. We've seen them prowling the streets, looking for "Curfew Violators". Fuck them. Fuck them all.
Letter aatextfreesideexecuted1 xx028745
Get the kids, pack your bags, we're getting the hell out of here. NCR's going down the street shooting dissenters. We gotta leave.
Expeditionary Log aatextfreesideforttrooper xx0280E4
Log Entry 4
We've reached the Vegas Barrier. We've set up camp outside the North Gate and await that shipment of Arc Welders from Nellis to cut this thing open.

Log Entry 5
Freeside. Not much has changed. Still the same old shithole. Took out a couple ghouls, but the boys are still getting tics on the geiger counters.

Log Entry 48
Food's gone. Water's nearly gone. We've all got radiation poisoning. But hey, good fucking news: We found the explosives! Thank god, huh? SOUND THE FUCKING BELLS! We found your mini-nukes Kimball! As if Kimball even knows we're fucking here. Well we'll let him know. We're gonna light a fire so bright Kim'll think it's the Great War all over again.
Jean's Diary aatextfreesidejeandiary xx027AF3
Billy's stopped coming to see me lately. I think maybe that mean old Sergeant he's always talking about pulled him from patrol duty. I sure hope he hasn't been sent out into the storm. I think maybe I'll have to go have a talk with that Sergeant tonight.
Last Words aatextfreesidelastwords xx029F2C
If you're reading this- Know that the NCR are monsters. Do not be fooled by their rhetoric. We barely got a dozen people out of the Strip. Just as we got that gate open, the Troopers came out guns blaring. Last I saw they were pulling people out into the streets. Execution style. I think King got out with a few Freesiders. At least some got out... I'm done, but remember what I've written here. Commit it to memory. Do not let us have died in vain. KILL NCR. 
-James Garret
Crumpled Note aatextFreesideLogan xx045E9B
Boys, you'll have your caps when we get to the Strip. My uncle had a strongbox buried out back behind Gomorrah. If I've told you once, I've told you a million times. The 2000 caps I've got now are for the gate check. You know how the NCR is about that kind of thing. When we get inside, I'll get you your caps.


Note aatextfreesiderevolutiontime xx029F2B
It's time. Gather your men and meet us at the Gate.
-The King
Journal aatextGolfScientistReport xx019268
Had to conduct ANOTHER training seminar on the proper usage of the new batch of Rad-X. Apparently some half-witted private OD'd by taking the capsules directly, despite all of the warning labels printed directly onto the jar. Talk about natural selection. The Rad-X is meant only to be dissolved into water. One jar of Experimental Rad-X is potent enough to thoroughly cleanse 4 bottles of water, regardless of the level of contamination. 

I'm getting real tired of explaining this. They'd better get us our equipment soon. I'm done waiting.
Experiment Report aatextGolfScientistReport2 xx051856
Preliminary tests suggest that the experiment was a complete success! Despite the massive levels of radiation previously recorded in the reservoir, it is now completely free of contamination! Good news, considering the Major was looking to scalp us for wasting so much of the new Rad-X to do it. I'm confident that we can cleanse the entirety of the Wasteland if given the supplies. The only problem is that all of our old equipment is buried under a pile of rubble in downtown Vegas. I've requested that an expedition be sent into the city, but I'm not optimistic that the Major will be willing to take the risk.
Captive Notes aatextGomorrahCaptives xx06ACC8
Recently we caught a Smoothskin NCR Trooper. This was our first since the Fall of Vegas. We brought him through the Great Hall to teach him what happens to NCR Scum. He seemed shocked by the decor of the place. He asked us, "Why do you strew your hall with corpses and bones?" "Why do you hang the heads of your foes upon chains?" I told him, "Death is not to be feared. It is to be embraced. For everything dies, and the pain of death is nothing to the pain of living."

To fully illustrate my point, we flayed him living.
Eris Quod Sum aatextGomorrahSkeletonNote xx06D017
What you are, I once was; what I am, you will become. For Oblivion is inevitable, and everything dies.
Crumpled Note aatextGSCemetery xx06ACCA
Bury the bodies. Bury The Bodies. BURY THE BODIES. DIG DIG DIG. Keep digging. Never stop. NEVER STOP. 
Journal aatextGuardianBoS xx04E684
I was outside the Bunker when everything happened, and now there’s no going back. I can only hope that some of the ones in Hidden Valley made it. Probably doesn’t matter now. It’s been decades. Odds are everyone there is dead anyway. Even if they aren’t it’s not like they can leave. Lucky for them that scribe, what was her name? It doesn’t matter. They’re lucky she retrieved that farming data from the Vault. If they managed to get things up and running, that place should be pretty self sustaining. That is assuming they’re still getting fresh water into the bunker. I’m still building a life out here. I found this shack that I can sleep in, I just I wish I still had my old Power Armor. If someone besides me is reading this then that means I’m probably dead, in which case the shack is yours assuming somebody else hasn’t already moved in there. The shack is just east of Freeside, near Nellis Airfield. Good luck out there. It’s hell.
Journal aatextHenryRifleSurvivor xx060CE9
Two weeks since our camp got ambushed. Far as I know, only one person made it out alive. 

Got a pretty sweet setup in an old cave to the south. I'll stick around here for the time being, until I can scout the area for survivors. Might be someone else got out.
Outpost Log aatextHumanCattleNote xx027444
Log Entry 148
Jesus, these people are psychos. I don't know what they want, but they've had us locked in this cage since they took the Outpost. There were four of us in here, but now it's just us. They told us the other prisoners had been "released", but I don't trust 'em. I sure as hell am not going down without a fight. Next time they open that cage door, I'm making a break for it.
Notice aatextInnerSanctum xx071F7E
Welcome to Kai-sar's Hill. Here you may worship in peace- safe from the horrors beyond the canyon. Visit the Four Stones, or try our delicious Tunneler Steaks! Only the Guard holds weapons here- all others must relinquish their arms before entering these walls. Those that wish to enter the Inner Sanctum and read the sacred scripts must speak to Scribe Morka'ad.
Journal aatextInnerSanctum2 xx071FA8
Here at last! Our journey has been a long one, but it is good to finally rest. Tomorrow we will speak with the Scribe. I much desire to enter the Sanctum. They say you can see his bones- touch them even. What an honor that would be... I wonder what it was like in those days... Imagine: a great army of the Free People of the East, ready to challenge the Bear. No longer.
Nursery Rhymes For The Unsound of Mind aatextInsaneRoom xx055C76
&PCName; is a murderer! &PCName; is a thief! &PCName; eats flesh and pretends it's beef!
Mysterious Note aatextInsaneRoom2 xx057577
Really Great Motivation From Your Brain aatextInsaneSewerKid xx06A072
You're never leaving, &PCName;. You're going to die here. Do you hear me? You. Are. Doomed.
Journal aatextIntroNote xx04201F
Ooh, boy! We're eatin' tonight! Yessir, that wanderer we been trackin's got a can of beans! Tess 'n Dulcie say we oughta ambush 'em tonight. Take their beans and whatever else they've got while they're sleeping. In and out, real nice. Nobody has to get hurt this time.
Terminal Entry aatextJacobstownJim1 xx0612F9
We arrived at dawn. A welcome sight. It's been almost a month since the beginning of the Revolution. And already, I fear it's over. Perhaps our stay here will allow us time to regroup before we head back into Vegas. Our host seems welcoming enough (for a Super Mutant), but Pacer's wary.
Terminal Entry aatextJacobstownJim2 xx0612FA
It's been a while since I've used this old thing. But something's happening. Tensions are rising. Pacer's making a play, or my name isn't Lucky Jim Harding. If it comes to blood, I side with Marcus. He's been good to us these past 13 years. Pacer, though...

The Revolution as a movement may be over, but her spirit can still live on. The greed, the corruption of the past need not continue on. Pacer doesn't understand this.

War never changes. Men do.
Terminal Entry aatextJacobstownJim3 xx0612FB
Letter of Complaint aatextL38DisgruntledResearcher xx060CED
To Ambassador Rivera,

I must contest the absolutely inadequate conditions at the new Lucky 38 Laboratories. I find it quite difficult, actually, to even call them labs at all. One cannot simply throw a hundred broken terminals and some heavy machinery into a casino and call it a place of science! Your men didn't even clear out all of the slot machines, for crying out loud! There's no way to seal off sections of the lab, in the case of an emergency, and there is barely any room to conduct experiments! It's pathetic and I fully expect you to remedy this. It is simply unacceptible. 

-Lydia Bernard
Lab Report aatextL38LabReport xx012568


As per usual, we have been unable to isolate the "Radiation Resistance/Immunity" gene from any of our testing subjects. So far this has inclluded-
-Ghouls (Feral and otherwise)
-Super Mutants (2nd/3rd Generation)(Nightkin omitted)
-Numerous Fungi species

We do have promising leads in the testing of Centaurs, and have requested additional test subjects from the NCR. Utilizing methods observed at Mariposa and other Super Mutant strongholds, we may be able to splice certain genes into our human test subjects, however (as mentioned previously) isolating the correct gene will be a process of trial and error.
Note aatextLuckySurvivor xx025689
You are one lucky SOB, Jim. Can't believe you made it outta Vegas. I saw the NCR lock those gates and I thought you were a goner. Anyways, we're heading south like you said. Got the gang back together and everything. Meet you at Searchlight.
Diary aatextLupeDiary xx01B0D2
Passed the Grup n' Gulp two days back. Some group had taken it over... butchered all the brahmin. I thought about killing 'em, but the sound would've attracted Tunnelers.
Was It Worth It!? aatextMead1 xx068D83
Bears, Humbled aatextMead2 xx068DA9
This Is What Happens.
He Was Right aatextMead3 xx068DAA
He was right all along. You didn't believe me. No one believed me. But now they're here. They're everywhere. And they will kill you. Sun or cloud, night or day, they will seek you.
Like The View? aatextMead4 xx0693FD
You're about to like it even more.
Patrol Log aatextMichelangeloNCR1 xx05CE7D
I can still hear them.

Clawing. Screaming through the barred doors. And then a silence. Nothing but the wind...

When the storm cleared, we searched through the rubble for their bodies. They may have wanted our heads on spikes, but they were people, damn it. They deserved a proper burial. How wrong I was. There was nothing left, you see. No bodies, no Strip. Just dust and rubble. Would that we had found them... put an end to this...
Patrol Log aatextMichelangeloNCR2 xx05CE7F
They come at night.

At first they only tried the door. Then the windows. Now it's tunnels. Broke right through the concrete, damned if I know how they did it. Tried to fill it up, but it's only a matter of time. Sent some men out into the fog to try to find a way out. No word yet.
Note aatextmickralph xx029F1E
Shit man, things are getting pretty rough. How long do you really think this place can last? I'm taking the guns and heading out with the Kings. You'll come too if you know what's good for you.

Combat Log aatextNCRcaravan1 xx00ED09
Fuck this. I'm done. I'm taking the squad and we're heading north. I don't know what we'll find, but it's got to better than the NCR. How long have they been at it, do you think? Since Vegas? Hoover Dam? Before? God, they didn't think we'd even question it. Just follow orders, that's the drill. Yessir, Nossir. Never trust a scientist, that's what I say.
Note aatextNCRkey1 xx009F1E
Key to The Strip. If the Expedition to Freeside proves successful, future expeditions farther into the interior of the city may be in order. In such a case, this key may be used to open the gate into the Strip proper. Please do not lose this key as a certain Private (no longer in our service) did the key to the Shuttle Station. We cannot afford to waste resources cutting open doors as we did in Freeside.
Combat Log aatextNCRplea xx01B0D7
Entry 147-A

Why can't they understand? Why can't they just get it through their thick skulls that we're trying to help them? If what those researchers say is true, everything could change. We could bring back the old world, in all its glory. No more digging in the dirt, staving off starvation and death. We could live. Truly live!
Vengeance! aatextNelsonCannibalRevenge xx06383B
Tereus! The Time Has Come To March On The Foul Tribesman Who Most Thoroughly Crucified Heliodoro, Son of Branimir And His Kinsmen. Unleash The Unending Fury of Mo-Tel Upon Them And Let The Sun Roast Their Bones Most Wholly!
Proposition aatextNiptonLegion1 xx04E036
The Fourth of March, 2282


Caesar is dead, the Legion is dead, and the dead do not come back. This obvious fact may prove useful to us. A number of months ago the town of Nipton faced the justice of the Legion. All of its residents were killed and the town was abandoned, which means it is still empty and can be a place for us to rebuild and regain our former strength. I have already gathered a small handful of our comrades to join me. I hope you shall do the same.

-Caius Severus
Journal aatextNiptonLegion2 xx04E037
It wasn’t until now that I truly believed the Legion to be dead. Even as Caesar lay dead and our banners torn down hope still resided in me. At night I dream of the days before the end, the slaves marching behind us as we made our long treks, the hum of their collars, ready to blow with the flip of a switch. But today as I awoke from my slumber I greeted Marius with our old greeting from the Legion, “Ave” and he just looked at me. As though I were speaking an Alien Dialect. On our first day here he told me, “Caius, we are the Legion” and now he does not even speak our words. The Legion is dead. We are no more than battle hardened tribals, but does that make me a Beardless, and him a Twisted Hair? Or are we something else? If so are we more or less? If we were to have crossed paths with the Legion would we have crumbled so quickly? Would we have been the 88th tribe? I do not know. Perhaps it is best not to speculate on things that cannot be. The Legion is dead
Letter aatextNiptonLydia1 xx04E021
If you’re reading this, I can only hope your father is okay, but you need to get out of Nipton. The town isn’t safe. I was hoping to get some RadAway for him here but those damned Legion Remnants saw me, and they prefer to attack first and ask questions later. I managed to get away but not before taking a spear to the leg. Lucky for me those Tunnelers showed up and distracted the Legi- Tribals. I guess they can’t be Legionnaires without the Legion and the Legion's long gone. Either way, while they were distracted with the Tunnelers I managed to go full circle and make it into this house without anyone noticing me. I tried to stitch up the wound as best I could, but it’s no use. I’m bleeding bad. If I take pressure off of my leg I know I’ll die, but it’s either that or sit and wait to die.
I’m so sorry I couldn’t be there for you but I pray that this note serves some help to you. From my experience here I’ve realized that the enemy of my enemy can be my friend, if I know how to use them. The Tunnelers. If you’re being chased you can create a sort of skirmish between your attackers and them.
Goodbye, I love you…?

Letter aatextNiptonLydia2 xx04E022
I’m sorry I probably won’t be here before you wake up, but I couldn’t just do nothing. I was the one who found the food that your father ate. This was my fault and I’m gonna do what I can to fix it. There’s probably some RadAway in one of the towns. If I’m right I’ll be back before nightfall.

 I love you.

See you soon,

Torn Letter aatextNiptonLydia3 xx04E055

The Mojave’s screwed, I don’t care what Lydia’s dad says. I SAY you grab your girl and come with me. The Long 15’s overrun and the only other roads out of the Mojave go right through Tribal Territory. But there’s a road the rest of Vegas has forgotten. We’re walking the last road out of here. It was the most dangerous but now it ought to be as easy as chowing down on some Fancy Lad Snack Cakes. If you want to come with me I’ll be at this big pile of wreckage near Primm. You know what I’m talking about. In three days I’m going to the Divide, with or without you two. Hopefully I’ll see you there.
Tattered Note aatextNiptonLydia4 xx04E056

Change of plans. The Divide's all blocked off. I've heard of another way, though. Up north. There's talk of this passageway off to Zion and Grand Staircase. Sounds good to me. See you there, if you're coming.
Quintus Avernus' Journal (pt. 1) aatextNovacLegion1 xx04E03D
I am Quintus Avernus, Centurion of Caesar's Legion, and this is my journal.
I have arrived with what remains of my forces in the town of Novac. Without any standing force, and with the Ranger Station evacuated, it was easy enough to take. I have ordered the crucifixion of all who resisted to make an example to the rest of the town. They were much more docile after. For now, the previous citizens of this town are being kept prisoner until I decide what to do with them.
My force stood behind as a contingent when the Legion was expelled off the Hoover Dam. It seems it ended up being a blessing in disguise. A few years after, and the entire Mojave is at the bring of extintion. NCR forces have abandoned most of their posts and bases and either evacuated, or concentrated elsewhere. There are strange creatures roaming the land, or under it, as one unfortunate Decanus of mine found out during our encounter with them. They are humanoid, green and their skin is reptilian, their eyes glowing. They travel in packs and are primal, savage. They focus on one singular prey in a group and rip their victim to shreds, then move on to the next one. I've made it a priority to establish guard posts to watch out for them, or any trespasser that may wander about.
Our only problem is food. We simply don't have enough supplies to last for more than a few days. Perhaps the past was the solution. My old tribe, the Sun Dogs, had a tradition, before being assimilated, in which the weaker warrior, after being defeated, was condemned to strenghten his triumphant foe, the only way he could. It is an option to consider."
Quintus Avernus' Journal (pt. 2) aatextNovacLegion2 xx04E03E
I am Quintus Avernus, and this is my journal.
The old, forgotten tradition was the answer I sought after all. 
The first to experience it were the citizens we captured. They had already fallen before us, as such there was no need to assess strength. It had been assessed already. They strengthened my men, some of whom showed reluctance at first, but soon were participating in the Feast of the Warrior. I heard stories that some of the Centurions exercised similar behavior with slaves. Dishonorable. Slaves are broken tools. They have no strength to be consumed.
I've already ordered for a makeshift arena to be built where the houses used to be. Any Legionnaire which desires to test his strength against his brothers is welcomed to try.
We will emerge from this forsaken wasteland, stronger than all. Maybe when we're strong enough we can find our way to the Colorado, show the broken remains of the Legion our way.
Incoherent Ramblings aatextNOVACnobark xx00C850
No no Nobark. Nobark sees. No no Novac. Novac hears. No no Nobark Knows.
Holy Writings: Volume 389 aatextNovacScripture xx0098EF
Mo-Tel is a Just and Terrible God. We must Respect and Fear his Almighty Power. It is for this reason that we Sacrifice each year. During this time, a fortunate few give their lives so that He may protect us from the horrors of the Wasteland.
Holy Writings: Volume 48 aatextNovacScripture2 xx0098F0
The Story of The Tallest Wall

In the Early Days of the Earth, there lived The Bull- Strong and Noble. His grazing fields were vast, and he had all he could ever need. But there lived in those days another beast. The Bear- Cruel and Scheming. The Bear saw the happiness of The Bull and was jealous. The Bull knew of The Bear's Jealousy, and built a Great Wall to keep The Bear away. But One Day, The Bear came. The Bull met him on the Cliffs of the Great Canyon, and fought him away. The Bear fled, but took The Wall for himself. It is said that The Bear still holds The Wall, though The Bull died long ago.
Holy Writings: Volume 16 aatextNovacScripture3 xx009ECC
The Story of The Drought

In the Old Days, many Evils plagued this Land. The fighting of The Bear and The Bull, the scandalous Activities in the Cities of Vegas and Gomorrah. Mo-Tel saw this all and Judged. He sent forth a great Drought, to starve The Bear and The Bull, and all the Sinners of Vegas. But Mo-Tel was not without mercy. He spared a select few. We, The People of The Desert. We are his Chosen. He has taught us How to survive- how to find Life in The Desert. And for This we are thankful.
Bloodstained Journal aatextOptimist xx05FA83
Entry 14
Set up camp outside North Vegas. It'll be easy to travel to and from base camp from here, what with the sewer grate being so close. NCR have been seen hanging around. Our job is to find out why, and to drive them off. Vegas is ours now. By the time these storms are over, they'll be heading back to California with their tails between their legs.

Entry 19
Caught another spy this morning. Course, they denied it. Who wouldn't? At least the fucker regrets it, right? Cutter doesn't share my sympathies. He's a man suited for his job, all right. We'll get that intel, in time.

Entry 21
NCR Patrol. Got two. Hendricks and I have started a tally. 50 caps to the winner.

Entry 22
Spy died during questioning. Didn't get anything. I'm sure we'll find another.

Entry 32
Third patrol this week! My total's up to 16. None of the others are anywhere close. Suck it, Hendricks!

Entry 33
NCr.. rAIded this MOrnnig...

HeNDRickS... got. aWAy..

iNTEL. sAFe..

lonG LAst The REvLution
Blind Dog Situation aatextRedRocks xx066EDA
A Blind Dog spy came in the night. He came into my Longhouse and fouled its walls with filthy vandalism. A threat, no doubt. The Blind Dogs seem to believe that our contact with the Vault People threatens the alliance we hold with them. 

I cannot allow war. As difficult as they are, we need the Blind Dogs. They're the only thing keeping the Tunnelers away from our village. The Vault People must go. As much as I hate to leave them vulnerable, this is the way it must be. One last gift of medicine and our contact with them is over.
Journal aatextRSBravo xx068D75
Randy slipped off the watch tower yesterday. Cracked his skull. There was nothing we could do. Buried him out front. This morning, Gibson goes down there- hangs up some old bones and junk. Says it'll make for a good "Warning" to potential raiders. Man's got no heart, but it might be crazy enough to work.
Warning! aatextRSBravoWarning xx068D76
List of Materials aatextSearchlightAirportGuide xx05A685

Flamer Fuel (48)
Scrap Metal (8)
Scrap Electronics (6)
Sensor Module (2)
Conductor (1)
Note aatextSearchlightAirportGuide2 xx05A686
So far, we've made remarkable progress using the tech we brought from Hidden Valley. We are still short on a few supplies, but these ought to be fairly easy to scavenge, in time. Our biggest issue are these damn Radscorpions. We've been able to drive them off twice before, but they just keep coming back. No doubt they've got a nest around here somewhere. Ramsey will need to address this issue if work is to continue.
Note aatextSearchlightRebel xx0612F8
So, chances are, Jim ain't the one in Power Armor. Might be he's holed up somewhere nearby. Why don't you take a poke around the edge of town? Meet back at the farmstead.
Never Free aatextSewerEscapee1 xx049D2C


Settlement Flyer aatextSewerFlyer xx04C7D9
Food! Water! Guns! Safety!

Come to the New Vegas Sewers if you want to live.

We have running water and electricity. 

Keep your gun holstered, we will meet you at the Monument.

You'll know it when you see it.

Long last the Revolution.

Re: Reinforcements Request aatextSewerNCR xx02B4A8
Private, I'm not even sure you're qualified to be making reinforcement requests. Get back to your post and do your duty. We have bigger issues at hand.
Supply Run aatextSewerRebel1 xx02A8B1

We're runnin' low on food. Most of the stuff King stashed down here's been irradiated and I for one have had enough rat. Most of the little buggers have run off anyways, so that's not an option. Mind going topside?

Ah, hell who'm I kidding? Jim pass this message along to your buddy on the radio. 

Here's the message:

"All NCR attempts to breach the North Sewers have resulted in failure. Nearly all NCR forces have evacuated Vegas and those that remain have met with an uprising by the inhabitants of both Freeside and the Strip (!!). Send forces topside to verify the direction of the NCR retreat. We'll attempt to make contact with the Topside Resistance by nightfall."

Cornered Rats aatextSewerRebel3 xx02AEAD
They're out there. Lurking. One step out and they'll take us, oh yes. Like they took JESS. Not fast, but strong. No killing them, oh no. They're fat and juicy, but NOT FOR EATING. Nothing for eating. Not even rats. The rats knew. If only we knew what rats know.
Lies. All Lies. aatextSewerSurvivor xx02965E
There's nothing left. When Boulder City fell, they told me to head to Vegas. "The Rebels still hold the sewers," they said, "They'll help you out." Yeah, right. All I've found in this shithole is cannibalistic madmen and fleshless skeletons. Which came first, I wonder? I shoulda known... 

All the Rad-Away in the world can't save me now.
Close aatextSewerSurvivor10 xx02D39F
I am close, I know I know. I hear the voices, hear the chanting. Seen it in my sleep. The MONUMENT. She is near, I know I know. DON'T LOSE HOPE. That's what the messages said. KEEP LOOKING. KEEP LOOKING FOREVER.
FALSE HOPE aatextSewerSurvivor11 xx02D3E1
THE SNAKE LIES aatextSewerSurvivor12 xx02D3E4
Journal aatextSewerSurvivor13 xx02D3FA
So I heard from that group last week that there's this place out in the wastes- "Understone", they called it. It's completely underground, and it's starting to become almost, well, a settlement. It's safe; got food, water, ammo, medical supplies... They figured it was down in the sewers, under Vegas. I'm thinking that's my best bet; I've had enough Tunnelers for a lifetime.
Keep Looking aatextSewerSurvivor14 xx04C7FA
Never Lose Hope. There Lies A Key. Somewhere...

Keep Looking. Keep Looking Forever...
In Cameram Obscurum aatextSewerSurvivor2 xx02A8B5
What Hell have I stumbled upon here? Where lie Abominations more Monstrous than any my mind could concoct? The Bear has been tinkering, no doubt. Intervening with the very essence of Nature Herself. Would that Caesar had lived to see this day, things would not be as they are.
Caedite Eos. Novit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius. aatextSewerSurvivor3 xx02AE8B
Kill Them All. For the Lord knows Those that are His own.
Of Icarus aatextSewerSurvivor4 xx02AEAC
They say Icarus' doom was his pride. That he flew too close to the sun and burned for his foolishness. But it was not Icarus who made the wings. No, twas Daedalus who created those cursed pinions. Daedalus who created the Labyrinth.
NO FIT aatextSewerSurvivor5 xx02BA90
Got It! aatextSewerSurvivor6 xx02C742
Jill, you won't believe it. I found the key (I hid it under that loose tile in the side room by the tunnel split). That psycho from yesterday tried to tell me it was deeper down the tunnels, in some giant cannibal meat locker. Yeah, right. Fucker was probably just trying to lead us into the dark so he could jump me. I'll be back once I track him down, then we can head back to the ladder. Just hunker down until then, I guess. Try not to get killed and all that jazz.

Understanding aatextSewerSurvivor7 xx02CD99
It was a trap the whole time. There was never a settlement. There was never a way out. They broke the ladders and waited for us to wander into their hands. They gave us keys that led to nowhere and watched us go, like sheep, to the slaughter. The game was rigged from the start, but I won't let them have the satisfaction of winning. I fold.
LIES LIES LIES aatextSewerSurvivor8 xx02CDA0
Salvation is at Hand! aatextSewerSurvivor9 xx02CDA1
Safety lies just ahead! Keep your gun holstered. Don't make any sudden movements. We'll meet you.
Observations on the Royst Case (Day 1) aatextSewerSurvivorFotA1 xx04AEF6
Day 1 of Investigation into the improper use of test subjects at the Lucky 38 research facility. Prosecution claims subjects were A. Non-voluntary and B. Subject to torture/irreversible mutations that often proved fatal. So far, no remains of research subjects have been located. Few remaining locals appear hostile. Security task-force has eliminated all threats without much difficulty.
Observations on the Royst Case (Day 2) aatextSewerSurvivorFotA2 xx04AEF7
Day 2 of Investigation into the Royst Case. Creatures clad in Hazmat suits appear to be in abundance in the lower levels of these sewers. Subjects are hostile and unresponsive to attempts at communication. At the hearing Dr. Royst maintained that all proper precautions were taken in the safety of each test subject. Obviously not. I find this to be sufficient evidence that this area was a dumping ground for failed test subjects. We will make our way to the extraction point at McCarran and present this evidence to the jury. I hope Royst rots.
Observations on the Royst Case (Day 5) aatextSewerSurvivorFotA3 xx06A069
Day 5 - Oh, god, I haven't had time to make a recording for days. The extraction point is gone. Someone, or something, sabotaged the ladder. We're stuck down here with no food, little water, and less ammunition. Half the task-force is dead, and I don't even know how to fire a gun. What the hell is going on?
Observations on the Royst Case (Day 17) aatextSewerSurvivorFotA4 xx06A06A
Day 17
I'm the last one. Nolan was right behind me, but... He's gone now. The notes say to go deeper. To keep looking... There's a way out. There has to be.
Observations on the Royst Case (Day 358) aatextSewerSurvivorFotA5 xx06A06F
Day 358

Big Room by Rad Room. 3-Way by Big Room. To Straight Tunnel to Two. Left To Three. First Left Past Small Room (HERE). Long Tunnel To Grate. Four. Fall. Right. Left Tube. NOT RIGHT TUBE. Straight to Connecting Tube. Next: ??? Stairs in The Water. MONUMENT CLOSE.

Radio Transcript aatextSewerSurvivorRebelRadio xx06A06B
BROADCAST: Victory is ours! Repeat, Victory is ours! The Sewers of New Vegas are, and forever will be a safe zone governed by the people of Vegas. We have food, water, ammo, and medicine. For those starving in the wastes, join the Kings in rebuilding Vegas! 
Eulogy For a Sorry Soul aatextsorryikilledyou xx02D4D6
I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt another soul. I came to Vegas to earn my fortune, but all I have earned is my own damnation. 20 years I spent in this shack. 20 years fearing the smog that covers this valley. 20 years fearing life itself. I will fear no longer. I go now in the hopes that my Lord will forgive me for the sins I have committed. I'm sorry.
Journal aatextStarvingSurvivor xx04E685
I’ve been walking day and night for 3 months. I thought Hoover Dam would be safe, but I was wrong. Now I’m back here. Walking mile after mile, day after day in this goddamned sun. If I had a bullet I’d have probably swallowed it by now. I’d swallow anything at this point. I haven’t eaten in over a week. Luckily, I was able to sneak past those NCR Troops at Camp Golf and get some water from that lake just outside the camp, to keep me going. Just a few more days of this and I’ll be safe at the Mojave Outpost. Just a few more days.
Tattered Journal aatextSurvivorNote1 xx0065F0
February 4, 2286
Holy shit! Last night I won big at the Tops! 1200 caps! Not bad considering I barely had two to rub together when I snuck in last week. Dumb bots only guard the one gate. Looks like things are looking up.

February 13, 2286
Woke up to shouting. Sounds like one of those Freeside gangs was trying to force past the gate. NCR keeps telling us everything's fine. Kinda odd; why would some street thugs worry me anyways? 

February 16, 2286
Rumors are spreading about some massive duststorm that's supposedly been heading this way. Superstitious Freesiders have been trying to warn us apparently (hence the run on the gate). Don't make me laugh.

February 22, 2286
Shit man, I see what they were talking about. That cloud's fucking huge. And it don't look like any regular duststorm. It looks... I dunno how to put it in words; just plain bad news. Me and some of the other guests are gonna check out early, head back to California.

February 26, 2286
NCR tried to lock down the Strip, but the Kings busted the gates down and got some of us out. And just in time too, the cloud was practically on top of us. We've camped out in  Boulder City, just south of the city. Some guys have been talking about scouting for some Radiation Suits. Dunno how well they'll work against a duststorm but hell, it's better than nothing.

Crumpled Note aatextSurvivorNote2 xx01F256
Fuck off, asshole. This bag is property of LUCKY JIM. 

Crumpled Note aatextSurvivorNote3 xx022357
If you're NCR and you're reading this- I've found a way out. Up this ladder- safety. I've gone to get reinforcements, but if I don't make it back, please make use of these supplies I've procured from around the casino.

-Sgt. Jacobs
The Last Forecast aatexttheforecasterFinal xx011941
They called me The Forecaster. As if my words told of the sun and the rain. I suppose they did, in a way... I met many travellers on the 188, and heard many tales, but the strangest tale I ever heard was from ol' Mr. New Vegas. One of the merchants, Kerr I think his name was, had an old radio he listened to daily. He worshipped it more than any god, though he knew any news he would hear would be bad- Caesar's Legion, Raiders, Mutants- he kept right on listening. One day, Mr. New Vegas reported that a Courier survived a bullet to the head near Goodsprings. He passed over it quickly, without another thought. Kerr didn't much care either. People get shot every day. More than likely ten or fifteen had been shot that week at Forlorn Hope alone. Why care about one survivor? Why indeed...

Would you believe that one person can change the world? Many fall into the same doubt that has plagued us all at one point or another. That we are worthless; that we have no power. The Courier proved us all wrong in that respect. But their's was not the kind of change you read about in some Pre-War motivational pamphlet. The Courier, though perhaps unintentionally, brought ruin to this land. The Second Battle of Hoover Dam was their doing, as was the fracturing of the Divide. And some believe that this... Cloud was their doing as well. A by-product of their legendary visit to the Sierra Madre.

One person can change the world. For better or for worse... that is for you to decide. I have done enough thinking for one lifetime. As I write this, I stare at my last needle of Thorazine. After that, I may have a few hours, perhaps a day, before the pounding in my head gives way to insanity. Tonight, I say goodbye to knowing what lies ahead. But you, &PCName;, need not. 

If you want answers, go to the Madre. At the Madre this began, and at the Madre, it shall end.

~The Forecaster

Headin' Out aatextToVegas xx00ECB2
Guys, I'm headin' out. There's no need to wait, you go on to Reno without me. I doubt I'll ever catch back up, but it's like the old man said- "If you want answers, go to Vegas". They say the NCR's still holding the Strip, so it can't be too bad, right? I'll see you all in Reno,

Note aatextTribalAntiBlindDog xx06381D
The Blind Dogs are mad. Their ferocity in battle cannot be denied, but they simply cannot be reasoned with. This week alone they have declared war on the Dust Devils and Green Feet. Out of respect for The Prophet, I negotiated a truce for the latter, but the Devils have been forced north- into Tunneler territory. Only now the Dogs claim the Red Rocks are forming a confederacy against them by supplying the Devils and some tribe unknown to me (the Vault Men?) with medical treatment. I must have words with the Elders soon. The recklessness of the Dogs is unsustainable.
Prophecy aatextTribalProphet xx06381C
And amidst that cloud I see an individual. Man or woman, ghoul or mutant, I cannot tell. But of one thing I am certain. They are the White Horse. They are Death. And Death comes upon us today. Why, no sooner shall I finish writing these words than shall the one called &PCName; strike me down. Their reputation precedes them, and now I speak for them. 

Vegas is the Heart. Madre is the Brain. Zion is Death. Hopeville is Life.
Warning aatexttribalwarninghooverdam xx028127
A Warning To All Imperialist Bear Warriors-
We have killed ten and four of your Men. They fought honorably, and we have gained much Courage from Them. But- If you do not leave our Lands forever, We shall hunt down You all, as We did Them. The Bear does not scare Us. 
Military Orders aatexttrooperskeletonnote xx027A7B

Your orders are as follows.
Hold the East Barricade. Our main thrust should push the rebels north, away from McCarran. It is paramount that they remain ignorant of the condition of the monorail. Let them choke in the dust.
Note aatextV19Note1 xx058DE8
Hey, Len- you mind heading out on a run today? Dana could barely get out of bed today. The wound's infected, and only getting worse. We need some antivenom soon, or she's done for. 

I know Darell doesn't trust them, but I think it's our only chance. Go to the Tribals. They can help.
Note aatextV19Note2 xx058DE9

Get Kay and Topher. We're heading back down there. Those pieces of shit'll just breed unless we take the fight to them. Empty out the armory. We'll blast 'em all to hell. 
Medical Notes aatextV19Note3 xx058DF1
It's not looking good. The infection has spread up her right leg and her weakened immune system is unlikely to stop it from spreading further. Amputation would have been a viable option, but Darell wouldn't allow it. The fool's going to kill her with his stubbornness. 

I've sent out some runners looking for antivenom, but seeing as these things only started popping up a few years ago, it's unlikely such a cure even exists.
Journal aatextV21DisgruntledResearcher1 xx05CEDF
It's over. The plan worked.

Lured them out to the diner with some flashing lights and radios. Then the explosives. All but one trapped. Other had a nasty run in with my shock-trap. Safe for now. Still no way out. Losing hope.

Might die tomorrow, we'll see. 

Re: An Ultimatum Terminal in Vault 21 aatextV21Janitor xx05CEAA
Dear Mr. Botwright,

Thank you for expressing your concerns, but I'm afraid your services are no longer required here at Vault 21 Laboratories. See Dr. Thorley on your way out. He will provide you with your severance package.

-Dr. Edwin Royst, PhD.
Perfect! aatextvangraffarmory xx014490
Who would think to look in here? It's been abandoned since Hoover Dam, and besides, who in their right mind would be obvious enough to hide weapons in a former weapons store? Right in plain sight... NCR won't know what hit 'em.
Diary aatextVault21PeaceQuiet xx05CF6A
It's nice down here. Quiet. Only quiet place on the Strip nowadays. The Elders are always ranting about killing the NCR and their "Supporters". Like that'll ever happen. It's been 15 years and they've done nothing but raid a few patrols on the outskirts. Even the NCR at the MP Station still live!

At least down here I can have a moment to myself. Lately I've been looking through some of the old books. Most are ruined beyond all recognition, but there are a few I can still read. My most recent read was "The Saurus". Pretty boring stuff. Don't know what those Pre-War folks were thinking.
Data Log #1.01.01 aatextVault74Exit xx04447B
First day in the Vault! I'm excited to begin my work as Overseer! According to the documents Vault-Tec has provided me, Vault 74 is unique (lucky me!). Unlike the other vaults, THIS vault is equipped with not one, but TWO doors. One is the giant, 20 ton monstrosity that everyone knows about. The other door is a secret passageway (how exciting!), located right behind my desk! This false panel slides aside to reveal a much longer tunnel, to be used in times of emergency only. This tunnel leads east to a number of regions Vault-Tec assumes will be mostly untouched in the event of a nuclear exchange. Zion National Park... Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument... I went there on vacation once. It was quite nice. Grand Canyon National Park... Heck, this'll be fun! A bit of camping, some fishing. I can't wait for this "emergency"!

What a Day! aatextWarBoyEasterEgg xx051860
What a Lovely Day!!
Journal aatextWolfhornRumor xx053CEA
So that friend I met on the road might know a safe place, somewhere where it's not a death sentence to sit, sleep, and eat freely.

Said he heard of a camp out by the old wolfhorn ranch. They say they've got food, water and shelter for anyone they might find helpful, I reckon me and my fantastic cooking will work for 'em!
Psalm 137:1 aatextZionHint xx06EEAE
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea we wept when we remembered Zion.
Black Mountain Investigation Note BMNCRTrooperNote 000E9C26
Tribals of some sort down in the Valley. Painted faces, wearing rags. Smelled like shit. Ought to check it out. We don't want them getting to close to the research facility.
Entry 1 BMRaulJournal1Note 000E8115
It's good to be back at dear old Black Mountain. We've set up camp at the old Radio Station. Back in the day, our samples were limited. The troops never wanted to linger long, for fear of those Super Mutants that used to live here. That's no longer an issue. I hope to fully examine  the craters within the next week (and maybe even a mutant autopsy- if I'm lucky!).
Entry 2 BMRaulJournal2Note 000E8116
Looks like the radiation's returned again. When the Lucky 38 was still up and running, we could just blast this place with that Experimental Cleanser. It worked (kind of), although it did melt just about all organic life off of the cliff face. Guess it's worthwhile we decommisioned that line. I'll see about getting double Rad-X rations for our next resupply airdrop.

Entry 3 BMRaulJournal3Note 000E8117
Golf sent a scouting force down to Vegas again. Proved what we'd all been thinking. Ware's little investigation is long gone. Maybe Lawson and  I can get her to reverse the charges. She's got no more evidence, after all.
Entry 4 BMRaulJournal4Note 000E8118
Message sent! I should receive a response in the next few weeks, once the resupply airdrop comes in. Surely she'll listen to reason. She's got nothing. And the research we completed... the research we could still complete with those supplies... That takes priority. Ethics has no place in the laboratory.
Entry 5 BMRaulJournal5Note 000E8112
God damn it all! The bitch responded, all right. She's pressing forward, and it looks like she may have even more evidence than we thought. It's time to take things into our own hands. I'll see if Lawson can get together a hit squad of some sort. Elizabeth Ware must die.
Entry 6 BMRaulJournal6Note 000E8113
Started looking through the old journal entries here. Interesting stuff. Looks like there was some repairman held captive by the old Super Mutant inhabitants here. Good thing we came along, I guess (although a bit too late, it would seem).

It looks like the repairman set the password to 123456789.
Autopsy Notice. BMRepairNote3 000E64E7
Autopsy will begin tomorrow. From our research at the Lucky 38, we have plenty of data covering the biology of most Centaurs, but we've never opened up an actual Super Mutant.  Be prepped and ready for operation by 8:00 tomorrow morning.
Autopsy Report 1 BMTabithaJournal1Note 000E94A1
Among those killed in the skirmish, three corpses appear mostly intact. I plan to operate on these, as soon as possible. The rest should be dumped off the cliff. I don't want to have to deal with their stink, on top of everything else.
Autopsy Report 2 BMTabithaJournal2Note 000E949B
I've requested a larger research team from Golf. Surely they don't expect me to conduct an autopsy single-handedly? Hopefully they can be over here on the next Vertibird. We don't want these cadavers to rot.
Autopsy Report 3 BmTabithaJournal3Note 000E949C
Delays, delays, delays. Golf can't send anyone over because of "Safety Concerns". What safety concerns? Do they mean those pitiful things in the valley? They're underfed, radiation sick madmen with nothing but sharpened sticks as weapons. Or maybe they mean that pack of Ghouls they're always going on about. Whatever. Ghouls don't have rocket launchers and automatic weaponry, last I checked.
Autopsy Report 4 BMTabithaJournal4Note 000E949D
Damn it all! Thanks to the NCR's failure to supply me with any kind of assistance whatsoever, all three samples have rotted to the point of complete uselessness. All of my preparation was a waste. I don't think they'll ever understand how important my work is here, not only scientifically and medically, but politically as well. Finding a breakthrough now could very well be enough to clear Royst.
Autopsy Report 5 BMTabithaJournal5Note 000E949E
You'll never believe it. One day (one day!) after throwing out the cadavers, the weekly Vertibird landed. And wouldn't you know, out comes my Research Team. Typical. I'm starting to think this is intentional. Some Follower of the Apocalypse asshole back at Camp Adytum put them up to this. They're just trying to sabotage our work so that they can put away Royst for good. Well I won't have it.
Autopsy Report 6 BMTabithaJournal6Note 000E949F
Research team is capable, although we still lack an appropriate test subject. Examining craters can only go so far. I guess we could autopsy another Centaur for practice. They've got a few still chained up outside.
Autopsy Report 7 BMTabithaJournal7Note 000E94A0
Finally! The boys finally captured a Super Mutant alive! I can hardly believe it. We'll do it tomorrow morning; no need to rush the preparations and forget something. Excited!
Report: Reservoir (CLASSIFIED) CampGolfAccessDenied 0010776A
The efforts of the Lucky 38 research team seem to have been at least partially successful. The reservoir, despite the intense bombardment of radioactive particles, is now completely free of contamination. Extraction of ALL lab equipment and research notes from the Lucky 38 is now our top priority. This is to remain classified. Expeditionary teams will be told that their mission is weapon extraction.
Report: Vegas Expedition CampGolfMisfitsGrenadeReportBad 00107769
Squad DH654-1 has been sent to outer Vegas for reconnaissance and supplies extraction. Final destination is Freeside. Possibilities remain of remaining stores of explosives left by rebel forces. Due to the current lack of explosive munitions, the extraction of any explosives in Vegas is paramount.
Report: Camp McCarran CampGolfMisfitsGrenadeReportGood 00107768
Camp McCarran remains unresponsive to all attempts at contact. Last attempt at contact resulted in heavy casualties for Squad EJ755-9. Further attempts at contact are not recommended.
Interrogation Report: 11/15/85 CampGolfMisfitsRifleReportBad 00107767
The following is transcribed from a recording between SUBJECT 19-A and intterrogator SERGEANT LUCAS OSAMI 

SGT. OSAMI: What is your name?
SUBJECT 19-A: (Unresponsive)
SGT. OSAMI: Do you know why you are here?
SUBJECT 19-A: (Unresponsive)
SGT. OSAMI: You are here so that we may learn more about your people. We wish to reduce conflict between the NCR and your tribe.
SUBJECT 19-A: (Unresponsive)
SGT. OSAMI: What tribe are you from?
SUBJECT 19-A: The Dead Bears
SGT. OSAMI: May I ask why your tribe chose that particular name?
SUBJECT 19-A: You know why.
SGT. OSAMI: We'll start again tomorrow.

Interrogation Report: 11/16/85 CampGolfMisfitsRifleReportGood 00107766
The following is transcribed from a recording between SUBJECT 19-A and intterrogator SERGEANT LUCAS OSAMI

SUBJECT 19-A: You spoke yesterday of a truce between the Dead Bears and the NCR.
SGT. OSAMI: Yes. Are you interested?
SUBJECT 19-A: This will never happen. The Dead Bears hate your kind more than any tribe.
SGT. OSAMI: Why do your people hate us?
SUBJECT 19-A: It isn't just us. Most tribes feel this way. Many, many tribes were raised from the bones of the Bull. We still tell our children stories of his death. How you killed him at Hoover Dam.
SGT. OSAMI: The NCR is prepared to reimburse you for all previous grievances. This includes high quality weaponry, medicine, ammunition... chems. All we require of you is a simple expedition west. Your people no doubt know the land well. There is a Casino...
SUBJECT 19-A: I know of where you speak. It is an evil place.
SGT. OSAMI: You need not enter the gates. There is a truck outside of the walls. Inside the truck are crates of protective Hazardous Material suits. Retrieve these suits and you and your tribe will be well rewarded. Think on it.

First Sergeant Morrison's Log CampSearchlightAstorLog 00166D9B
First Sergeant Morrison's Log

Sent down here from the Dam three days ago. Initial assault proved disastrous. 8 casualties. Hostiles not weakened. We don't have the men or supplies for an attack of this scale. Extraction request pending.
Archived Logs Terminal in the fire station of Fort Searchlight CampSearchlightChiefFireOfficer 00166B31
Paladin Ramsey's Log

Entry 46-B

I can recognize the markings on the wall. If that old fool McNamara wants to stick his head in the sand and hide from it he can rot in hell. I'm not going to. 
Our scouts told us the NCR have been working on some kind of... Cloud. Apparently a bio-weapon that they simply stumbled upon when visiting the Sierra Madre. That old legend turned stone. The tribal we captured, part of the expeditionary force, said a white haired old man in robes, calling himself Father, guarded by ghosts with glowing green eyes, gave them the gift of the Cloud, and that his young disciple taught them how to use them. Ellijah. It has to be. Who else could take control of the Sierra Madre, who else could be so obcessed, so stubbornly efficient as to tame the City of the Dead? But McNamara won't listen. He personally oversaw the interrogation, heard that damned savage tell us about the power of the Cloud, saw him detonate the cyanide capsule when he was done rambling, and he still won't believe what's coming. Says that we'll be safe from any gas. That our filters, our secrecy will protect us.
But I know better. This isn't a bunker, it's a cage, a trap he wants to willingly stay in. I knew Ellijah. He wouldn't give any secret of the Sierra Madre to the NCR if he wasn't planning something, or if he didn't know they will destroy themselves with it. Ellijah is the type of man that gives you a loaded gun only if he expects you to shoot yourself in the head with it, and rigs it to explode if you don't. This bunker won't stop him. We need to move, but McNamara won't listen. I know a few think the same. I'll try and discover whom, then we'll leave. They'll take away our titles and declare us outcasts, honorless, but when they're all dead I'll ask if their titles written in their graves matter now. We need to move to somewhere isolated, somewhere of no importance to anyone. Maybe that old Searchlight town? It's said to be haunted so no one goes near it. It's a chance. I'll think about it better tomorrow.
Archived Logs Terminal in the fire station of Fort Searchlight CampSearchlightChiefFireOfficer2 xx04E01D
Paladin Ramsey's Log

Entry 49-A

There isn't much pleasure in proving dead men wrong. A few days after we set up camp here at Searchlight one of our two scouts came back with a somber report: Hidden Valley had been wiped out. NCR came in. Had enough waste to take down the lot of them, Power Armor or not. Ghouls have that place now, haunted by the dead two-fold. Morale has taken a severe hit. We left many friends alive back there. No longer.
We've got to think of plans to leave this forsaken place, maybe reunite with the Western Chapters. We've earned rumors of a Vertibird used by the NCR to carry VIP personnel. Don't know if we can fight through to it, though. They probably have Veteran Rangers guarding the place, and NCR forces outnumber us severely. Might be too risky.
There's also talks of a non-functional but mostly intact train down near Nipton. We've brought enough C-4 to clear a way towards any rubble we might find, but the problem would be fixing the damned thing. I doubt we have the materials to do so, and even if we did it would take several trips. Also very risky.
There's got to be a better way. I'll think it over sleep.
Archived Logs Terminal in the fire station of Fort Searchlight CampSearchlightChiefFireOfficer3 xx04E01E
Paladin Ramsey's Log

Entry 49-B

Eureka! It hit me, when I was dreaming. How could I be so blind? The planes, right here at Searchlight! Most of the parts needed are there at the airport, and there's most likely enough to repair three or four. There's only one problem. The place is crawling with Radscorpions. There's too many of them, and our working Power Armors are too few. We could try to trim them down from a distance, but I'd rather not wander too far from the Fort. And to make things better, our patrol is reporting scouts of some sort in the hills. For now, we have a strong hold of the town. As long as we don't overextend ourselves on the airport, we should be fine.
Communications Entry #938 CampSearchlightNCRComm01 0014CD2D
Fort Searchlight Communications Log

User 1: Testing, testing. This is Scribe Huxley transmitting from Fort Searchlight. Is the radio in working condition? Over.
User 2: Hear you loud and clear Huxley. Can't believe this thing actually works! A few extra bits and pieces and we'll have this thing up and ready for scouting flights. Over.
User 1: Excellent news, Initiate. Over and out.

Communications Entry #943 CampSearchlightNCRComm02 0014CD2B
Fort Searchlight Communications Log 

User 1: This is Scribe Huxley transmitting from Fort Searchlight, what are your coordinates Eagle Patrol? Over.
User 2: Just north of you. We're seeing some human activity- well armed, doesn't look like tribals. Over.
User 1: NCR? Over.
User 2: Could be. They've got the armor, but that's hardly enough these days. They look to be going straight for the main bridge. Should we intercept? Over.
User 1: You have clearance for interception. Take them out. Over.
User 2: Over and out.
Communications Entry #956 CampSearchlightNCRComm03 0014CD2C
Fort Searchlight Comm Officer's Log 

The NCR remain outside the Fort. We could clear them out easily enough, but Paladin Ramsey wants to leave them for now. They help keep the Tunnelers at bay, if nothing else. The hostage we took claims that the NCR still hold control of the Dam, Camp Golf, and Nellis Air Field. Nellis holds no interest for us- we've got our own planes here. The Dam's the Dam. In theory, its electricity generating capacities could prove useful, but an assault there would be impractical. Even in the NCR's weakened state, we would be unable to take the Dam. Camp Golf, though... The hostage mentioned something quite interesting indeed about that camp. Apparently, they have clean water. Don't ask me how, the hostage was completely useless in that respect. A water purifier of some sort? Such a machine would prove invaluable for use here.
Log Entry #1341 CampSearchlightNCRStorage01 00147D2C
Scribe Huxley's Log 

Entry #1254

A good amount of tech was left behind when the NCR cleared out. These turrets are still in excellent condition, and there are even some small arms laying around. By itself, this is a decent spot for a base, but I know why we're really here. Ramsey's been eyeing the airport ever since we got here. I'm not sure what kind of low rate tech he thinks he's going to find there, but I don't think he'd have come all this way for anything else. 
Log Entry #2257 CampSearchlightNCRStorage02 00147D2D
Scribe Huxley's Log 

Entry #1265

I've just finished registring the casualties in Hidden Valley. Took a copy of the personnel ledger before I left. I knew it would be the only way to identify all who died.
We all knew before embarking in this trip our brothers and sisters would be goners when the NCR eventually tried to touch the sun and had the wax from their wings melted, but no one expected it to happen this fast. Half of us still hoped they saw reason and followed after us... Seems not. Our second scout arrived two days ago, a day after the bearer of bad news. The infamous Boomers have also been taken out. Of course, Paladin Ramsey took that moment to rant about how the NCR were monsters, how they created the dust storm. The others reject my claims, but I swear to you, the NCR are not the sole enemy here.
The problem: The NCR were hit just as hard. They lost the entire Strip, for god's sake! Not to mention Helios One and Forlorn Hope. If this thing was made by man, as we suspect, it must have been someone else. Someone who wanted to take out any faction remaining after the storm came on through.

And I think I know who that someone is.
I'll keep my theory to myself. There's no need to add to the grief the chance that one of our own killed us with such ruthless efficiency. Or the chance that he might know of us, and come after us next.
Journal ClarkFieldRadiationGuyJournal 000CEE6F
They're everywhere. In the hills. In the dark. Behind you at every turn. Kill one, and ten more come. They will not leave me.
Blake's Journal Entry #13 CrimsonCaravanNote01 00163E4D
All set up, at last. I'm telling you, I'll never get used to this place again. It's all different now. The boys are all itching to get into Freeside- find this NCR haven everyone's been talking about. I don't know. The barricades... the bones... If the NCR ever was in control of this place, I don't think they still are. I think all we'll find in that city are old memories. Dust and dirt and rubble.
Blake's Journal Entry #17 CrimsonCaravanNote02 00163E4E
The crew's been getting restless. Everyone's taking sides. Logan Hernandez and Ida Bryson are the two big names everyone's been saying recently. That fool of a boy Carver almost shouted my name into the mix before I shut him up. I don't want no part in this. I'll follow Ida if she's up for scavving this place and heading out. That Logan boy can go into the city if he wants, but I ain't following him. 
Blake's Journal Entry #20 CrimsonCaravanNote03 00163E4F
Logan took the guns and went into the city with his gang. Ida's rounding up a posse to hunt him down. Dead or alive don't matter, what matters are the guns. We ain't gonna last here another night without 'em. Guess we'll all see what has come of Vegas these past 20 years. Will we find paradise? Or pandemonium?
Blake's Journal Entry #21 CrimsonCaravanNote04 00163E50
The guns were gone. We found Logan's body just within the entrance, but there was no trace of his men. Ida told us they'd probably been dragged off into the shadows by the ghouls we shot. Although ghouls don't take guns. The bastards ran off, most like. Shot Logan and took the guns once they saw what Vegas had become. It's official now. Tomorrow we're packing up and getting the hell out of the city.
East Terminal Entry EastTerminalNote 000F0873
Can you believe it? Two years, and we've still got water. Only problem is those red-faced fuckers down the street have been trying to raid us every other day for the stuff. Well we've got this place locked down. We've got the full firepower of the Gun Runners at our disposal (as Isaac is so fond of reminding us) and we're prepared to use it. They ain't got shit. They ain't even got water for chrissake. Isaac thinks we ought to take the fight to them, but hell, we wait a few days and they'll die of thirst. Breathing in all this damned dust'll do that to a man.

Wrap the Bodies! GSPlagueCartNote xx013FC2
Jesus, there's not even enough of us left to properly wrap the corpses. Trudy says to screw it and just throw the bodies in the cart anyways, but if we don't wrap 'em flies'll come and the damn thing'll just spread even more.
Yesterday Was Frustrated GunRunnerNote01 000FC9F1
Missile Launchers: 700000
Missiles: 0

(The World)

Who hears the birds... but the sky?!

Radiation is only a question waiting to be answered!!

How can mirrors be real if your eyes are not real?!?
Crimson Caravan Reparations GunRunnerNote02 000FC9F2
lkjsjkhfsjdvhbdjsvbh askhfksdjfh skljfhk WORDS askdhaskh
New Name for the Vendortron GunRunnerNote03 000FC9F3
asdgasdgsd Terminal in the Prison NCRCFWardenNote01 000D7809

Arrival Terminal in the Prison NCRCFWardenNote02 000D780A
Ugh. Francis got here before me and wiped out all of the old records with mindless nonsense. We might have been able to get some info on this place. Oh well.

The place was still well-stocked when we arrived. The inner walls are sturdy, and potential attackers would need to pass through several gates before entering the main area. Our only real issue is finding food. The Prison's location is fairly remote. Scavenging trips could become difficult.
Nearby Threats NCRCFWardenNote03 000D780B
First few scavenging runs have pointed out a few nearby threats. Tunnelers exist in abundance to the south, while a fairly prosperous community of madmen lies to the north. There are some other, smaller, groups of Survivors scattered throughout the area that we've made contact with. They appear friendly enough, and we've invited a few to join us in the Prison. The more, the merrier (and stronger)!
Never Again NCRCFWardenNote04 000E2843
It's Francis. Morgan's dead. Those Survivors he let in last night got him in the night. Unloaded on us while we were still half asleep. Killed half the cell block before we took them down. So many dead...

This will not happen again.
Note NoteText01 0005DB36

Field Log 01- 3/14/01 NVDLC02StoreNote1 yy011163
Field Log 01- 3/14/01

This is Commander Álvaro Sowards of NCR Expeditionary Force 384B-3. We arrived in Zion two days ago, and have struggled thus far to find any suitable structures to serve as Base Camp. These shacks will serve for now; the insulation remains intact enough to keep the worst of that fog out and it's decently stocked, should our own provisions run out. We'll begin testing tomorrow morning. Might be we can clear this fog out and resettle this place, as we did in Boneyard.
Field Log 02- 3/17/01 NVDLC02StoreNote2 yy011165
Field Log 02- 3/17/01

This appears to be an entirely different kind of smog from what we've tested elsewhere. As far as I can tell from preliminary tests, the numerous fungi in the area release spores which combine with the SM-5 Cloud Samples we'd detected outside of the valley. At this time, any harmful side effects are unknown, although Pvt. Eliott hypothesized that the inhalation of the particulates could be a factor in the origin of the pitiful creatures we encountered on the road here. Regardless, I have ordered all personnel to keep their suits on whenever they leave the building.
Field Log 08- 4/2/01 NVDLC02StoreNote3 yy011164
Field Log 08- 4/2/01

This is Corporal Laurie McDonnell filling in for Commander Sowards, who is currently being ripped limb from fucking limb. We've lost 13 men to those "pitiful creatures". All discipline and structure of command has gone out the window (literally). We've boarded up the windows and fortified the perimeter to stop this from happening again, but I swear they're going to revolt if I don't do something. Fear will make men do stupid things, and the last thing I need right now is ghost stories of some giant spore-beast lurking in the shadows.
Butch's Account: Part 1 NVDLC02Survivalist2077Note01 yy00D925
I remember back in Virginia, all I ever wanted was to see something green. Trees, grass, a shrub, ANYTHING. Anything to stop the monotony of brown. They said there was something like that north of DC. I never saw it. 

Well, there's green here, and it sure ain't no Oasis.

I never was content to stay in one place. Ever since I left the Vault all those years ago, I wanted nothing but to keep moving. Surely paradise lies just around the corner! There is no paradise. Any that once existed is long gone now. Nothing lasts forever. Not even me.
Butch's Account: Part 2 NVDLC02Survivalist2078Note01 yy00D926
I write to keep my sanity. There's nothing but fog and death out there. Maybe I think someone will find these. Maybe I think I'm doing some good, for future generations. Maybe I'm foolish enough to think that there are still vaults out there, and that one day they'll emerge and rebuild the world.

This fog must be getting to me.

I know the truth. I saw what those pre-war assholes wrote. Vault 101 was the control vault. It was the last one. The rest are open. Empty. Dead. 

All that's left are Wastelanders. The chosen people, truly. We survived all that the world has thrown at us. We don't need Vault-Tec's shiny tech. They're dead. We live.
Butch's Account: Part 3 NVDLC02Survivalist2083Note01 yy00D927
I haven't slept in three days. Not fully awake, not fully asleep; half the time I can't even tell the two apart. Am I hallucinating or am I simply dreaming? Are these visions real? Is the Tall Man real? Or is he a ghost sent to haunt my sleep?
Butch's Account: Part 4 NVDLC02Survivalist2084Note01 yy00D928
It's real. I found a tribal huddled in a cave up the river. He kept muttering about "Wendigo"; some shape-shifting monstrosity of legend. He's seen It too.
Butch's Account: Part 5 NVDLC02Survivalist2095Note01 yy00D929
I convinced the tribal (name's White Bird, he says) to team up with me. I know mutants, and he knows Zion. He says there's a tunnel to the east- leads to a trail that goes straight to Vegas. All we have to do is get there.
Butch's Account: Part 6 NVDLC02Survivalist2096Note01 yy00D92A
We've developed a new strategy: "Cave-hopping". Interestingly enough, the sun comes out for a couple of hours each day, around noon, and it's bright enought to see any Spores that may want to sneak up on us. We'll travel as far as we can until cloudfall, and then we're done for the day. It's slow, but it's safe.
Year: 2096 (II) NVDLC02Survivalist2096Note02 yy00D92B
Found another survivor! Well, hopefully. Girl, mid-20s maybe. White Bird says he could heal her- if he had his supplies. I've seen some old pre-war buildings on the mountains. White Bird says they're haunted, but if we want medical supplies, we're not going to find them anywhere else.
Butch's Account: Part 7 NVDLC02Survivalist2097Note01 yy00D92C
Two more survivors! We've got ourselves quite the group now. Found 'em looking for the same medical supplies I was. They say they were part of an "NCR Expeditionary Force" when they got ambushed by the Spores. They claim their whole squad got wiped out. Now I don't know much about this "NCR" group of theirs, but if they're as well-armed as these two, no basic Spores killed their group. Oh, no. Something else. Something big. And though I'd rather not believe it, I know exactly what that something is.
Butch's Account: Part 8 NVDLC02Survivalist2100Note01 yy00D92D
Took out a whole pack of Spores yesterday. Those Automatic Rifles sure pack quite a punch! Laurie claims the whole squad had 'em, before the attack. I wonder what crumbling ruin they had to search to get 'em all (I might have to pay it a visit!).
Butch's Account: Part 9 NVDLC02Survivalist2101Note01 yy00D92E
So much for high spirits. The girl's up- name of Jess- but the Spores came again in the night. Pulled White Bird and Cal into the darkness. Laurie's got a gash on her leg that doesn't look too good, but she's got death in her eyes. She wants us to hunt the damn things down, get our people back. As if the things haven't torn them apart by now.
Butch's Account: Part 10 NVDLC02Survivalist2108Note01 yy00D92F
Woke up coughing my lungs out. Damn fog. I think I managed to talk Laurie down. We need to wait at least until her and Jess have healed up. The others are dead, obviously, but I think I know the way. We can still do this.
Butch's Account: Part 11 NVDLC02Survivalist2113Note01 yy00D930
Something seemed off. It was light out, but I told Laurie and Jess to stay in. Didn't matter- they're both feverish anyways. We've all got the cough, but they've been here longer. Maybe it's the fever again, but as I left the cave, I saw her again. Wendigo.
Butch's Account: Part 12 NVDLC02Survivalist2123Note01 yy00D931
Laurie left in the night. No note, but I tracked her footprints to the river. At least she left by her own power. Jess and I are heading out. We've got the supplies and we've still got some strength left in us. This is it. This is the final push.
Butch's Account: Part 13 NVDLC02Survivalist2124Note01 yy00D932
Couldn't fucking do it. As soon as we'd left Wendy came back. Wendy... sweet Wendy. And she wasn't a vision this time. Jess saw her. I shot her. The bitch didn't go down though. I shot her, and I shot her, and I shot her, but she just kept running. She shimmered like a mirage of the desert. Tall, then short. Here, then there. I'd shoot and miss, again and again. And even when I did hit her, it made no difference. We'll try again tomorrow, but I don't believe we'll ever leave Zion. And if we do... Zion will never leave us.
Toaster's Declaration NVDLC03HQBuddyToasterNOTE zz011F9C
Despair, pitiful worms! For I rule over this domain, and all shall kneel before me! For I am the flame that will make this world slightly darker than you'd like, but not burnt enough that you'd want to throw it away or anything like that. I mean, a world's a world. Throw some butter on there... maybe a bit of jam... mmm. Tasty.
Holotape PowderGanger01Note 0010771C
Sal's right- those tribals are getting damn tiresome. He's thinking we should make a move soon.  Follow the tracks up north; head towards the Strip. You in? I don't know what we'll find there, but it's gotta be better than this.
RELENTLESS Primm, Bison Steve, desk on 2nd floor PrimmBisonSteveRansom 000E393F
Secret Note PrimmCourierNote 0015BC9B
We're breaking you and the girls out TONIGHT. We'll create a distraction at the front gate, and you make a run for it out the back. Stan and Knox'll meet you by the tracks. We'll teach these bastards what it means to mess with our people.

Torn Journal Page 1 SLFarmDiary01 001544BD
Jim was supposed to be here. Where the hell is he? We sure as hell did not hike from halfway across the Mojave to just camp out in a fucking barn. And to make matters
Torn Journal Page 2 SLFarmDiary02 001544BA
worse it appears the town we came all this way for is already taken. Ocupado! And they've all got Power Armor. And laser guns. Isn't that fantastic? Mel's group is already thinking of skipping out. Not while I'm in charge. We're staying whether
Torn Journal Page 3 SLFarmDiary03 001544BB
she likes it or not. Though we all know Mel. Push comes to shove, she'll be the first to draw a gun. Might be best if she goes scouting one day... and never comes back. It's dirty, but if she's getting restless, it may be the only option. Jim told us to stay so
Torn Diary Page 4 SLFarmDiary04 001544BC
we're staying. I can only hope he gets here sooner rather than later. Tensions are high. It's the Sewers all over again.
Journal SSHQTomasNote 00140CA8
A good haul yesterday. Should show those assholes up the hill a thing or two about about good, honest, hunting. They think they're so clever with that little ambush spot on the 15. They get their meals, sure, but ain't nothing like The Hunt.
Research Notes V21History01 0011DD96
Hazmat Suit Mk1

Based on early Pre-War designs, these suits have great potential to be the next front-line weapon in the war against radiation. Even Pre-War models are highly resilient to corrosive exposure. The only issue that must be ironed out is the "auto-pilot" function that kicks in upon the user's injury/death. Disabling this function is an essential, as it appears to be highly unpredictable and potentially dangerous. Test subjects thus far have even been "reanimated" after death, attacking research personnel and security forces alike.


Hazmat Suit Mk2

Starting from the bare basics, we've managed to solve the problematic "auto-pilot" issue encountered previously. Due to the extent of our revisions, the new design will no doubt be incredibly costly to produce.  Additional funds to be requested. It must be stressed that the new suit is well worth the cost. This is the future of radioactive exploration and cleanup.

Research Notes V21History02 0011DD97
Gene Therapy

Based on research by other successfull parties in curing radiation sickness with gene therapy and genetic modification. Thus far our research has sampled from-

-Ghouls (Feral and otherwise)
-Super Mutants (2nd/3rd Generation)(Nightkin omitted)
-Numerous Fungi species

Limited success, throughout.

More subjects will be required for further progress.

Research Notes V21History03 0011DD98
Tactical -REDACTED- Weapon (T.C.W.)

Due to the recent shortages of troops at the frontier, the higher-ups in the military have requested that we suspend all other projects in order to begin research on a new weapon of theirs. While the circumstances of their discovery of this -REDACTED- are vague, at best, I think we can all assume that it -REDACTED- -REDACTED- -REDACTED-. Nevertheless, I look forward to completing this busywork as quickly as possible, so that we may return to our actual work. Building Chem-Bombs certainly isn't what I had in mind when I signed up to "save the Wasteland".
CLASSIFIED V21MailMessages01 0011DD9C
Information Classified.

Network Access Denied.

Contact Dr. Edwin Royst for Additional Information.
CLASSIFIED V21MailSent01 0011DD9D
Information Classified.

Network Access Denied.

Contact Dr. Edwin Royst for Additional Information.
An Ultimatum V21Service01 0011DD99
To Royst, Bernard, and the Rest of You Psychopaths,

If you don't shut this shit down right now, I swear I'll uncover all of you. You may have forgotten, but I've got copies of every key in this place. I so much as open the right door, and the whole Strip will know about your little "experiments". This is your last chance. Pack up and move outta here, or I'll pull the plug myself.

-Martin Botwright, Head Custodian, Vault 21 Labs
Re: An Ultimatum V21Service02 0011DD9A
Dear Mr. Botwright,

Thank you for expressing your concerns, but I'm afraid your services are no longer required here at Vault 21 Laboratories. See Dr. Thorley on your way out. He will provide you with your severance package.

-Dr. Edwin Royst, PhD.
Temporary Relocation V21Service03 0011DD9B
To All Active Research Personnel,

Due to recent unfortunate circumstances involving a certain disgruntled employee and various previously incapacitated test subjects, the Vault 21 Laboratories will be temporarily evacuated. All personnel should continue their work, unhindered, in the luxurious confines of the new Lucky 38 Laboratories. We assure you that the situation is under control and hope to have you back in your labs before you know it!

- Lydia Bernard, Assistant Head Researcher, Lucky 38 Laboratories
Forlorn Hope Mandate VCFHMandateNote 0016400A


In response to your concerns over the nearby raider tribes, I believe we have nothing to worry about. Scouts have reported that the group has little firepower and low food supplies on hand. They'll starve out by the end of the month, I don't doubt.


Sniper Nest Location VCFHSniperNote 00164009


In response to the recent attacks by various unnamed raider tribes, I highly recommend investing further manpower in the fortification of the Camp's perimeter. These groups don't have the firepower to blast down a wall, but they can very easily overrun what barricades we have now.

De Leon, David
Field Preparations Division
Forlorn Hope Journal 1 VCFHTrooperNote01 001629C4
Those freaks attacked again last night. I got right up close to one of 'em. He had his face painted like some creature of Hell. In all my years I've never seen raiders like this. They've gone utterly mad, all of them.
Forlorn Hope Journal 2 VCFHTrooperNote02 001629C5
De Leon straight up begged the Major for walls this morning. It was kind of pathetic really. Sure, there have been a lot of attacks lately, but it's like shooting mole rats. I don't know what he's so afraid of.
Forlorn Hope Journal 3 VCFHTrooperNote03 001629C6
Contact with the other camps has been completely cut off for the past two weeks. I don't know if they even survived the storm. Might be we're the last people out here... If it were up to me, I'd say we pack up and head out- maybe try to find some other survivors and get back to NCR. But it's not up to me.
Forlorn Hope Journal 4 VCFHTrooperNote04 001629C7
Holy shit. Last night I found one of those fuckers hiding behind the jail shed. He'd beaten Private Ross's head in with a rock and was gnawing his arm off! Where are they even coming from?!
Forlorn Hope Journal 5 VCFHTrooperNote05 001629C8
The water ran out. Fuck.
Forlorn Hope Journal 6 VCFHTrooperNote06 001629C9
Three more deserters last night and three more heads on our front doorstep this morning. They're picking us off like flies.
Forlorn Hope Journal 7 VCFHTrooperNote07 001629CA
You gotta give 'em credit, though. They're some Grade A hunters. One by one... luring us out with food... water... Everyone around here seems to think they're mindless freaks, but they're not. They're smart.
Forlorn Hope Journal 8 VCFHTrooperNote08 001629CB
If you're reading this, then you've either got a hell of a lot of firepower or (more likely) you're  some of the new cattle brought in to die. I managed to snag a knife from the table and I've hid it under the bed. I'm too weak to make a break for it, but you may have more luck.

Forlorn Hope Journal 9 VCFHTrooperNote09 00162ABC
It's down to me, Fredricks, and Anthony. We've made dummies and stuck uniforms on 'em to make it look like there are more of us, but once they figure it out, we're dead. I'd run but... where would I go? It's just desert for miles in every direction. We got confirmation last week, Vegas is dead. There's nothing left.
Holy Writing: Volume 137 VFreeformNovacBillOfSale 000B83CC
It is said these Few still roam the Sands, tortured by the Weight of Their Sins. They are no longer Human, but Warped and Disgusting Husks of Writhing Tentacles and Swollen Flesh. They put their Faith in the Bear, and So They paid The Price.

Military Evacuation Notice VMQ01CourierNote 00105BCD
By order of PRESIDENT LEE OLIVER all non-military inhabitants of the Mojave Wasteland are hereby evicted due to dangerous conditions and significant threats to the civilian population. 
This includes, but is not limited to-
-ALL citizens of New Vegas and outlying hamlets (Westside, North Vegas, etc)
-ALL citizens of Boneyard and outlying hamlets (Adytum, etc)
-ALL citizens of Phoenix and outlying hamlets (East Town, Glendale, etc)
-ALL towns and settlements in the Mojave Wasteland*
-ALL gangs, tribes, and/or other militant factions in the Mojave Wasteland*
-ALL individual and "lone-wolf" inhabitants residing in the Mojave Wasteland*

*The area of evacuation is hereby specified as all lands between Caliente and Anza-Borrego (N-S) and all lands between Junktown and Flagstaff (W-E).
**The Hub is exempt from all evacuation procedures.

Inhabitants of New Vegas are to proceed at once to New Reno for relocation.
Inhabitants of Boneyard are to proceed at once to Dayglow for relocation.
Inhabitants of Phoenix are to proceed at once to Two Sun for relocation.

Failure to comply with the above procedures will result in immediate detainment/eradication.
Journal VMS02MilitaryOrders 000CDB54
Entry 118

Damn, those freaks have really got this place locked down.  They don't know we're here, or else they'd have rushed us by now. Dave scouted the place out a bit- looks like they're low on firepower, but make up for it in numbers. They've got a hell of a lot of homemade guns though. Probably not very strong, but'll still fill me full of lead of I let 'em. Stan's staying positive but I don't think we're getting Ellen and the girls back.
Journal Page VMS04ChompsLewisNote 001429F5
Good haul today. The game in these parts is quite abundant. They all seem to be drawn to Vegas. And this is the only road there for miles around.
Blackmail VMS11DazzleNote 001618E3
The Council reconvenes in the morning. I expect your uncle will be voting for war, correct? I would hope so. A peacemonger... in your own family? An embarassment to say the least... betrayal to say any more.

Diary VMS11RomanowskiNote 001429E9
Salvation is at hand! Glory to Father Limos, for His Prophecies spoke true! I hear the Whispers of the Savior over the Radio. Soon we shall be safe. No more running, no more fear. Soon we shall have a roof over our heads, and a warm fire to sit by in the cold nights. Soon... we will be home.
Onward, to Salvation! VMS11TrentBascomNote 001429E8
The Lights Herald Paradise. A Great City is said to lie within Her Walls, still. The Red Men hold the Streets, but Under... yes, Under the Stones of Vegas lies a New Home. A Place of Safety and Limitless Sustenance. I have seen it, as if in a Dream. It is my duty, I who Retrieved the Mask of Lanius from Hoover's Brink, to lead the Flock home. There, by the Flickering Lights of the Monument, we shall find Salvation.
Password VMS21BigSalsPassword 00119488
Course of Action VMS21TroikeBlackMail 0011945D
The Council thus far has heeded caution. 20 years have passed since the Council was formed, and for 20 years caution has been their only solution. Our only possible course of action is to destroy the remaining NCR on the Strip and send their heads to the McCarran group as a warning. 

To succeed in this, we have 4 Councilmen to convince to gain the majority.
Survival Log VMS50Note 0014BE10
Today we stare death in the eyes.

They took the others. It's unlikely they still live, but that hope is all that has kept me going these past three months. We've spent that time training, scavenging, building. Now we're ready. Live or die, we're heading in. And we will kill every last mutant that stands between us and our family.

Broken Holotape VNCRCFHolotapeMale 000E2949
Informant Report VNCREmbassyCrockerLog1 0012B5B6
My sources confirm that the rebels have taken to stashing their weapons in the old Silver Rush building. We'll let them keep at it for now (don't want to break our cover), but if they try anything, we'll be there.

Lucky 38 Report VNCREmbassyCrockerLog2 0012B5B7
The Auto-Lock doors have been successfully installed, finally. Now only properly authorized researchers and military personnel are to be permitted. And just in time, too. I can't imagine King and his rebels would like what's going on in there.

Vault 21 Report VNCREmbassyCrockerLog3 0012B5B8
The research team have taken to experimenting in some unused rooms in Vault 21. I guess their theory is that if those doors can keep radiation out, they can keep radiation in. They've requested more radioactive material, though. I'll send a squad out to the Long 15.

Storm Report VNCREmbassyCrockerLog4 0012B5B9
Scouts have reported a huge sandstorm out of the West. It'll probably fade out by the time it gets here, but I suppose I ought to draft an evacuation procedure. What a pain... Half these spoiled brats wouldn't be able to function without their precious whores and casinos. Where the hell would I even put a thousand refugees?

Embassy Report: Trapped VNCREmbassyLog1 0012B97E
NCR Embassy Status Report #06-58
New Vegas

The civilian population has become aware of our intention to leave them behind. As such, they have set about attacking any NCR Trooper they can get their hands on. Their sheer number has separated us from the rest of the evacuation. I fear we may be forced to wait out the storm from within Vegas. 
Generic Embassy Info VNCREmbassyLog2 0012B97F
NCR Embassy Status Report #06-50
New Vegas

Increased gang activity in Freeside needs to be monitored. Vandalism removal teams were dispatched once again this morning, this time with an armed escort. 

Freeside East Gate has been sealed to aid in security.

Captain Pappas reports no unusual activity on the Strip.


Emergency Embassy Report VNCREmbassyLog3 0012B980
NCR Embassy Status Report #06-57
New Vegas

THIS IS AN EMERGENCY REPORT. Freeside rebels have breached the gate to the Strip. Rebel forces have been repelled and forced into the sewers. NCR officials plan on utilizing radioactive materials to sabotage rebel positions. Evacuation of all NCR personnel is in progress. 
Freeside Unrest Report VNCREmbassyLog4 00164E1E
NCR Strip Gang Report #23-06-F37
Freeside - Unrest

Increasing reports of Anti-NCR vandalism and protests against curfew. Civilian population is aware of the increase in disappearances. In response, curfew violators will no longer be executed, but transferred to the Lucky 38 Labs for questioning and research.

Outer Vegas Security Report VNCREmbassyPappasLog1 0012B98A
Increased Tribal raids on outer Vegas. Kimball thinks he killed the Legion at Hoover Dam. I wish. They've just splintered into a hundred odd different groups. They're no more civilized than they were before. Less so, even, now that they don't have doctrine being shoved down their throats. I'm requesting double patrols from now on.

Tribal Problem Report Update VNCREmbassyPappasLog2 0012B98B
Patrols aren't going to cut it anymore. These savages have set up camp all over the city. Half of our patrols don't return. If I didn't know better, I'd say they have surrounded. Drastic measures need to be taken. I'm speaking with the Ambassador later today to figure out what can be done.

Construction Report VNCREmbassyPappasLog3 0012B98C
We're sealing off all major entrances into Vegas, with the exception of the North Gate. Double security on that gate. The Old Mormon Fort will be repurposed into a security checkpoint for what travellers remain. McCarran's gate is to be sealed off as well, although the Monorail will still be used for travel between here and there. Travel on the Monorail is to be kept limited, to reduce chances of Tribal sabotage of the line. As such, its use is to be restricted to NCR personnel only. I alone have the key to the station.
A Prayer To Mo-Tel Terminal in one of the hotel rooms in Novac VNovacGreatKhansNote 000CCFCB
Oh Great and Powerful Mo-Tel, Why is This World so Cruel? Savage and Malicious Raiders did Destroy Heliodoro, the Son of Branimir the Leather-Crafter. Oh! We Wept and did Curse the Tribesmen, but For Naught! Our Attempts for Retribution Proved just as Fruitless, for all in the Party did Become Prisoners and were Mostly Crucified. I Pray that You will Give Us a Sign. A Sign for War. Shall We Unite the Men of the Sun-Temple? Or the Warriors of Hill-Town? What, Oh Mo-Tel? What do You wish of Us?
Children's Story VRRCKarlsJournalNOTE 00144EB9
This journal consists of drawings of various animals and figures. The paint used is reddish in color- perhaps made from mixed dirt, or animal blood. The figures seem to tell the story of the tribe's history and triumphs.
Top of the Tops VStripTrooperNote01 00162AC3
They strung up Humphreys yesterday. The poor bastard was still alive. He just hung there, screaming from the top of the Tops sign. I'll kill every last one of those bastards, I swear it.
The Monorail VStripTrooperNote02 00162AC4
You won't believe it. Sarge found the key. All we have to do now is get to the station and we've got a free ride to McCarran! Muster up what guns you can, we're shooting our way out of here.
What's Happening?! VStripTrooperNote03 00162AC5
Why haven't we turned into ferals? What's different between them and us? Were we just lucky? Or, rather, unlucky. At least the ferals don't have the brainpower to process pain. Maybe there are still some eggheads up in the 38. I'd go up there if not for those fucking head-hunters.
Hunters in the Fog VStripTrooperNote04 00162AC6
We're being hunted. Every time one of us tries to make a supply run to one of the Casinos, the Gomorrans come out of nowhere and hang them from the billboards. We're safe in here, with the gates and all, but we're gonna be starved out eventually.
Data Log #10.44.78 VT74aQuestNote 00154134
Data Log #10.44.78

The Vault has been breached. Painted demons; red faces, tangled hair. Fire in the lower levels.

God have mercy on our souls.
Welcome Text -- Terminal in one of the hotel rooms in Novac 000CCFC7