Fallout: Dust Wikia

The Abandoned Warehouse is a possible starting location in DUST, located close to Camp McCarran.


During the NCR-Legion War, the Abandoned Warehouse was used by the Van Graffs to double-cross Caesar's Legion, or could have been used for that purpose.

As a Starting Location[]

Inside, there are four dead bodies - two tribals, and two NCR. Whether these are NCR Remnants or members of the Royst-Bernard Expedition is not known.

There's a good chance of getting decent armor and weapons from them. There's also a Crafting Kit, two refrigerators, and a shelf with at least five bottles of wine on it. There are territorial tribals right outside, but they won't attack, if distance is kept.

The warehouse also has plenty of storage spots and a bed, so you can definitely use it as a main base as you loot the surrounding area. Unfortunately, there are no campfires, reloading benches, or workbenches in the general area.

The surrounding area in particular is fairly safe, apart from NCR Remnants of Camp McCarran, with few Tunnelers, and largely non-aggressive Tribals. There are fire ants to the south to be wary of, but they don't particularly roam north enough to bother The Survivor here.

The Survivor should be wary of venturing too far north of the warehouse lest they gain the ire of the Feral Ghouls stalking the outskirts of Camp Mccarran.
